Chapter 11

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    I took the best nap ever but it was interrupted rudely by a jacka** aka Moe. I was sleeping so soundly and he literally threw something on my head to wake me up.

Like he could've tapped on my shoulder nicely and say "oh hey we're here." But nooo of course he had to do something dumb.

Typical Arab male.

They can do nothing right. 

Anyways we're here in Malibu now.

Chanel and I spread out a white blanket and we placed a basket that had a bunch of drinks and snacks.

It looks super aesthetic and cute but I know these boys are going to mess up the look and throw sh*t everywhere.

@the sea turtles I apologize in advance. If you choke on some plastic tonight just know it is because of these boneheads.

Wait are there sea turtles in Malibu?

Maybe. I don't know.

This is probably why I am not going to get accepted into any college. I won't even lie I feel like a dumb jock sometimes.

Too much head trauma I guess.

And mental abuse from my ex.

Just kidding.

Not really.

Chanel and I take a seat on the blanket and we both take in the view.

Honestly I'm so glad that I live here in California. I won't even lie there is no other place that is like this.

I've traveled a lot like I've seen New York and like honestly it is very mid.

Everyone hypes it up way too much. The only parts of it that I like is:

-There is a lot of halal food over there
-The night time view is amazing
-The people there are hilarious, I like their vibe
-Manhattan (Especially like Soho)

That's pretty much it. That place has so many icky factors like the roaches and rats.

Ooh and the subway omg yuck it literally smells like piss.

I don't know how people live there. I'm sorry I am not leaving California ever.

I see Austin walking towards fiddling with a football, "Do you guys wanna play?"

I might join in later. Not gonna lie this food looks way too good and I just know these fata**** are gonna eat it all, so I should dig in first.

"I'll join you guys later." Chanel says the same and he runs over to everyone else.

They're doing shirts vs skins.

I look over at Haris and he's taking off his shirt.

Holy abs.

Okay Astaghfirullah let me look away.

But Wow. God did take his time on him.

Omg what am I even saying?

That's so cringe shut up. I'm acting like a thot.

I'm so weird I can't.

I take a sip of some pink lemonade and that's when I hear, "Girl I don't blame you he looks so good right now."

I spit out my drink almost instantly and start coughing.

Chanel looks at me wide eyed like she just saw an alien and I smack her, "What the hell? Hoe you almost killed me."

"Hey I was just being the narrator I didn't tell you to go choke."

I hate her.

I start giggling and roll my eyes and take another sip.

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