Chapter 10

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Today my friends and I decided to go to Malibu and spend the day at the beach. Honestly something that has felt really different for me now that I am a hijabi, is that I have to make sure I dress modestly everywhere (including the beach). I stopped wearing bikinis when I was like 11, but I would still be lenient with my dressing and my parents were never strict about it either.

Chanel came over two hours ago and we decided that we'll get ready together. Then Austin is going to come and pick us up.

Chanel looked into my closet and groaned, "Girl I literally can never pick out an outfit from your closet, you have so many outfits."

Yeah she should see how my sister's closet looks. I really don't have much compared to her.

Now that girl is a complete fashionista, she literally goes through clothes faster than how Beverly Hills moms go through young boyfriends.

"It's not like we're gonna jump in the water, we're just going to be chilling on the beach" I say as I run a hand through my hair.

She sighs and then says, "True."

I walk over to my closet and look through it.

I see a yellow dress with spaghetti straps. It's simple but Chanel has a banging body she'd look hot in it.

"Wear this." I say as I bring it out and she scrunches her nose.

"I don't wanna sound like a pick me.... But this is soo girly." This hoe... just wear it.

"Girl bye this is gonna look so hot on you, trust me just go put it on." I say as I hand it to her and she rolls her eyes.

"If I end up looking like a bimbo I'm going to strangle you with this hanger." She starts waving the hanger that had the dress and I started giggling.

"You won't NOW TRY IT B*TCH."

While she was trying on the dress I begin to stare into my closet.

I guess if I made miss ma'am over there wear a dress I'll just wear one too.

I see a white full sleeve dress that I bought from Zara awhile ago and I take it out.

It's really simple but it looks really cute.

It kind of is similar to what my sister wore when she went on a date to Malibu with my rat brother in law when she was in high school.

Oh by the way she denies that it was a date but it totally was. *smirk smirk wink wink*


Yeah this is probably why no man likes me and why I'll die single....

I'm literally so weird like not even quirky main character type weird, but a mentally deranged please get help type of weird.

I take off the tank top I had on and slip on the dress I picked out.

I have shorts on underneath and I guess I'll just leave them on. I always like wearing shorts under dresses just in case.

I head over to my mirror and look at myself.

Ugh I look like slender man. I literally feel so tall and awkward.

When my sister wore a dress similar to this one she literally looked like an angel. It just fit her perfectly in all the right areas and her piercing blue eyes stood out.

She also is the perfect size like she's tiny and petite. While I have to built like....

Well you know what I was gonna say football player and I am one so...

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