Chapter 16

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     I run onto the field alongside with my teammates and stare into the bright lights.

This feeling never gets old.

I look over to the student section and see people holding up signs and cheering us on.

The slight California breeze sends a slight chill down my spine... but in a good way.

I feel so pumped right now.

Okay time for the coin toss.

The referee looks at me, "heads or tails?"


He flips the coin and smacks it onto his hand, "Tails it is, kick off or receiving?"

I smirk, "receiving."

I clap my hands and yell out, "LETS GET THIS W." My team hollers in return and we get ready for the other team to kick off.

    Before I knew it, it was already 4th quarter. The other team is winning by a touch down.

I take a look to my right and see the head coach for UCLA and freeze.

Oh my God....

Has he been here this whole time?

Everyone's voices begin to turn into gibberish and all I can hear is myself breathing.

And that's when I start to feel like I can't.

I take my helmet off and holding my chest and trying to breathe but no matter how hard I try to I can't.

Haris notices this and rushes over to me and calls for a time out.

He holds my arms, "What happened? You good?"

I shakily answer, "I... it's hard for... me to breathe."

Why is this happening to me now?

"Look at me." I continue to stare at the ground and he says it again and puts my chin up.

"Count from 1 to 5 and focus on your breathing."



I breathe slowly in and out.




I close my eyes and then open them again.

"Better?" I nod and he smacks my shoulder, "You better be because we gotta finish this game."

"The head coach for UCLA is here and dude I wish I knew because I could have done better this game." I say as I put my helmet back on.

He gives me a weird look, "Zara you think this is the first time he has seen you play?"

Probably not.

He's definitely seen my highlights.

"Don't be stupid and besides the game isn't even over yet. End on a strong note."

I take a look at the clock and notice how we barely have any time left.

I was going to go with another play but at this moment, I think I'm just gonna run it.

If I make this touch down from this distance. It's going to be legendary.

If I rush this touch down from where I am now... UCLA is going to be my bitch.

I explain to the boys what I'm about to do and a lot of them look nervous.

"Zara can you actually make this? If we lose because of this, I'm never talking to you again" Moe asks and I smack his helmet.

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