Chapter 4

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Zara's outfit for today


I hear my phone's alarm go off and I groan.

I am so tired I don't wanna go to school. I click snooze for the millionth time.

"Girl I hope you know that you are two hours late for school." Sophia says as she walks into my room.

I jolt awake and look at her, "I'm late?"

She nods and I roll over like a kitten asking for a belly rub.

"Can I stay home?" I ask while making puppy eyes and she raises a brow, "Home girl I know you aren't asking me this question. I have to go to work. Mom and Dad are at work too what are you going to do here alone?"

"Sleep." I say as I slowly close my eyes.

"Get your fat a** up and go to the bathroom."

I get up and go up to my mirror and angle myself so I can see my behind, "Did it really get fat?"

She makes a face at me and throws a pillow, I catch it though because I'm built different.

"I forgot that you play football." She says as she holds her head.

I giggle and sit on my couch, "Sophia did I tell you who I saw yesterday?"

She shakes her head and asks, "Who?"

"Fricking Zane bruh."

Her face then switches from happy to angry.

Uh oh.

She's gonna go batsh*t crazy.

"Are you serious? Zara tell me that you are serious right now."

I nod and she makes an angry noise that sounded nonhuman like.

"I am going to run him over. I don't care, I'll do it and happily. I told him to back off but nooo."

She takes a second to breathe, "Me slapping him was clearly not enough. I'm going to tell Zack and Adam, so they can throw bricks at him and I'm going to sue him so he can remain broke for the rest of his life." 

She takes a deep breath before carrying on.

Oh my God she is not going to stop ranting. What did I do?

"Who does he think he is? Showing up to your game? Heck this was such a big game for you, Zara please tell me you went off on him."

I take a deep breath and tell her what happened after he showed up.

She smiles and says, "I like your friends they did good."

I still can't believe I dated that fool like firstly it was haram I shouldn't have.

Two he was such a jerk!

He's still a jerk he literally tried hitting me.

"Zara promise me you won't talk to anyone like this again. Heck don't even talk to anyone for awhile please just focus on yourself, your deen (faith), and school. Khalas." She says as she fixes her hijab.

"Yes Sophi I know I learned my lesson."

She smiles and gives me a hug, "Good now go shower and get ready for school."

     After I showered, I decide to wear a black top.

I pick out a pair of black skinny jeans and nikes to go along with the outfit.

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