Harry food poisoning

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Harry's POV

Management finally gave us a holiday. Two weeks to do whatever we want. To celebrate, we all decided to go eat at Nando's to eat dinner. Mine tasted a bit funny, but I was starving so I didn't say anything about it. Big mistake. It's currently 2 in the morning, and I'm hunched over a toilet puking my guts out. My stomach churned and I groaned in agony.
"Haz?" I heard someone say. I had no time to see who it was before I started another round of vomiting.
"Oh Hazzie." That sounded like Liam's voice. When I got the chance to look, it was indeed Liam sitting beside me.
"What's gotten you so sick all of a sudden mate?" Liam asked.
"Food tasted weird tonight." I replied in between heaves.
Liam sighed sympathetically. As I threw myself over the toilet for yet another round, Liam placed a comforting hand on my back and began rubbing gentle circles.
After a couple more rounds, my stomach finally decided to let up for a bit. Liam practically carried me back to bed since my legs had gone weak and shaky.
He set me down in bed and pulled the covers up.
"Don't fall asleep just yet." Liam said, running out to grab a couple things.
I won't lie, it was definitely a challenge to not fall asleep just during those couple minutes.
Finally he returned with his hands full of things.
"Let's take your temperature right quick." Liam said, holding up the thermometer. I didn't even bother to argue. I just allowed him to slip the device under my tongue and waited for it to finish.
"101.2. It's not terrible, but it's not good either." Liam said looking up at me.
"I feel like crap." I groaned.
"I bet you do. Take these stomach relaxers, they might help." Liam suggested.
I took a pill from the bottle and dry swallowed them. I settled back into bed, pulling the covers up to my chin.
"Try to get some sleep Haz, and just yell if you need me. I left a bucket by your bed in case you need it." Liam said.
"Thanks Li." I said appreciatively.
"Anytime Haz." Liam nodded.
Liam slipped out and went back to bed while I curled up into a ball. My stomach was killing me. Hopefully those stomach relaxers will kick in soon. I closed my eyes, and eventually sleep overtook my body.


"Harry, wake up mate."
I opened my eyes and saw Liam giving me a sympathetic smile.
"Harry you need to get up, you puked on yourself in your sleep." Liam explained.
I looked, and sure enough, I had. Tears welled in my eyes.
"I'm sorry Liam, I didn't mean to!" I cried.
"Hey, it's okay. It's not like you did it on purpose." Liam said, trying to calm me down.
I sniffled. One thing that the boys know, is that when I'm sick, I get super emotional. It's definitely not something I'm proud of, but I can't help it.
"Why don't you hop in the shower, and when you come back I'll have your sheets changed out and ready for you to come back to bed.
I nodded. I got up, careful not to spill any of the mess on my shirt on the ground, and made my way into the bathroom. Of course my stomach decided to be difficult at that particular moment, so as soon as I entered the bathroom I was doubled over the toilet puking once more. I felt a hand on my back again and I looked up expecting to see Liam there but it turned out to be Louis. "Just let it all out mate." Louis said, rubbing my back.  He didn't have to tell me twice.
After several more rounds, my stomach was finally calm enough to let me hop in the shower. Louis had left to help Liam with the sheets, while I finished up in the shower. After I dried off and got dressed, and slowly walked back to my bedroom only to be hit with a wave of dizziness. I held a hand to my head and leaned against the bathroom counter while I waited for it to pass. A minute later, I finally reached my bedroom and nearly collapsed in bed. Liam came back in with a thermometer and took my temperature again.
"Aww Haz, it's going up." Liam said sadly.
I internally groaned.
"Do you need anything?" Liam asked.
I shook my head.
"Okay, yell if you need anything." Liam said.
He left the room leaving me in peace and quiet.
I was just starting to dose off when my stomach started to turn circles again. I groaned and rolled over trying to find a comfortable position. However none of that matter because seconds later I found myself leaning over the toilet emptying my guts out once again. When I finished, I dragged myself back to bed and crawled in. I want nothing more for this misery to be over.

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