Harry lactose intolerant

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A request from @ilangel1
Harry's POV

It was a normal day at the 1D house. Louis was mad that Zayn had beat him at fifa once again, Niall was eating a bag of chips while enjoying watching Louis get mad, Liam was trying to make sure Louis didn't throw his game controller at Zayn, so yeah, pretty normal day for us.
We had to leave for an interview in half an hour and we were pretty much ready to go, we just decided to play some video games since we had some time.
The van arrived finally arrived so we left the house and all climbed into the van.
"I'm gonna win next time Zayn." Louis grumbled.
"We'll see about that." Zayn said, with a smirk.
Louis stuck his tongue out at Zayn like a five year old and slumped into his seat. I couldn't help but chuckle at these two and their constant back and forth.

*at the interview *

"So boys, I actually have a little game for us to play." The interviewer said. We all nodded, ready to see what she had in mind.
"You guys will wear these blindfolds and taste these desserts from different countries and see if you can guess what they are." She said. The game seemed a little odd, or at least compared to other games we've played on interviews, but it also sounded fun trying foreign desserts so I wasn't gonna complain.
We put our blindfolds on and started the game. We started with Liam who was able to tell what it was rather quickly. Next was Niall, then Louis, Zayn, and now finally it was my turn. I picked up, whatever the heck it was that I was given and tasted it. I was able to tell right off the bat that it was some kind of ice cream. Turns out it was a special kind of ice cream made in Belgium. I instantly thought to my lactose intolerance and started to get nervous. Maybe just the one bite wouldn't hurt. I tried not to worry about it too much and just went on with the game. It was a rather easy game but it was fun, getting to eat a bunch of foreign desserts. We played a couple more rounds before it was finally time to leave. Luckily we didn't have anything else scheduled for today so we can just have the rest of the afternoon off. We went back to the house, Louis automatically challenging Zayn to a rematch in fifa. We sat on the couch as we watched in amusement as Zayn was already beating Louis. About ten minutes later my stomach started to hurt. I placed a hand over my bloated tummy and rubbed it subtly. A little while later the nausea had started to increase more and eventually I went to the bathroom and I made it right on time before vomit came barreling up my throat. It took me by surprise and tears welled in my eyes after it kept continuously coming up. Eventually it came to a stop and I got up and just went to bed.


I was hoping to have this whole thing possibly blown over by the time I woke up from my nap. Unfortunately, I was wrong. In fact I'm not even sure I can say I took a nap because every five minutes it was like racing to the toilet. I hated this, I knew in the back of my head that if this was because of that dessert I ate which it most likely was, then I was gonna be stuck feeling like this for awhile.
I jumped up from my bed once again and ran to the toilet and emptied out my stomach. It was painful and I hated every second of it. Unfortunately, I felt a different kind of cramping in my stomach and I knew what was coming. When I finally stopped throwing up for a second I tugged down my pants and boxers and sat on the toilet miserably. It eventually came down to me having to get a trash can to throw up in while sitting on the toilet. Let me just say, the experience was not pleasant at all and I just wanted it to end. Why couldn't I have just gotten churros like Niall? Better question, why can't the interviewer come up with simpler games? I groaned in agony just wishing for this misery to end. And just when I thought things couldn't get worse, someone started knocking on the door.
"Harry, you in there?" It sounded like Zayn's voice.
"U-Um yeah. Be out in a sec!" I replied, knowing that it was probably gonna be longer than that.
"Are you okay? You've been in there for awhile."
"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I said, just wishing for them to leave.
When I heard them finally walk away I breathed a sigh of relief. I tried to finish up as quickly as possible then made my way back to the lounge with the other boys.
"What took ya so long H?" Niall asked, turning his gaze from the tv to me.
"Um, just drank a lot." I replied, trying to sound happier. Apparently it didn't work, because I got some weird looks from everyone. I decided to just act like I was going to get a snack which in reality I was just trying to get away from the awkwardness. What the heck kinda of excuse was that? I mentally slapped myself for it and made my way to my bedroom. As much as I wanted to just chill with the boys, my stomach was killing me and I wasn't sure if I was up to listening to them shouting at the video game. I laid down in bed and tried to adjust to a comfortable position but none of them worked.  I sighed in annoyance wishing for this pain to end. I eventually fell asleep after awhile.

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