Prologue: Background Information

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  I am a part of the Dark Moon pack, a small pack in North America. I say small but, we have roughly 100 people in my pack. Now you must be thinking 100 people that's a lot but, we are actually quite small. Most of the packs around here have about 300 or more. A few packs are smaller than us with 40 to 50.
I am only 17 years old, and I won't turn 18 for a couple more months. I am the Beta's daughter. I am an only child, of which my parents consider me a miracle as they were told they couldn't have kids. I am starting my senior year in a school with humans, werewolves, lycans, vampires, and witches. We tend to hang out in our own groups. There are a few groups that are mixed but, that's mainly because they are the soon to be alphas and their chosen betas. They must talk to each other because they are going to be our future leaders. However, the humans in our school know about us and know not to tell any outsiders.
Wait where are my manners... My name is Aleia Michaels. I am known to be shy, and everyone tends to walk over me because they don't notice me. My best friends are Devon Stephens, Leah Howard, Levi Daniels, and the twins Kylie and Cheyenne Williams. Devon is human; Leah is a vampire; Levi is a lycan; and the twins are witches. We are an odd group of friends, but our packs and clans are long-standing allies. We are some of the weirdos or outcasts, as some may call us, so we befriended each other.
Witches and humans are the only ones that don't know when their find their mates. Vampires go off of their smell and they have the voice within that can help them and can notice their mate similar to us wolves and lycans; werewolves and lycans have our inner wolf/lycan to tell us and we also find their smell intoxicating. Now when anyone is mated to a werewolf or a lycan there are also sparks they we feel when we are touched by our mate. We, all species, can only find our mate at 18. Lycans can shift as early as 13 and werewolves can only shift as early as 15. On rare occasion we can find them earlier, but it takes a special set of circumstances. Vampires can walk in the day and eat normal food. They just have to have blood on occasion. They also don't get a craving for blood until 15. They don't get to see their full form until 18. Witches learn all types of magic and can choose a specialty that they will learn about in depth at a witch school after high school.

*Authors insert: More information and maybe even some secrets or plot twists will come out. This book may have occasional trigger warnings of many types of abuse. 

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