Chapter 13

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      When Devon's name is said Rody perks up a bit. "I would suggest banishment from both our lands or death. Both of which can be done using a trial using both of our people. We have to remember he is being charged with kidnapping, conspiracy, assault, and battery." Damian stated with confidence. Rody got a sickening grin on his face when he heard the charges. "I am good with that. He can stay here until trial and then we can have the trail on my land, and I can have a portal opened for you." Franziska replied. She was careful to not mention we already had an open doorway to there. That and I don't think Devon should know about it either. "How soon do you think we can get this accomplished?" I ask. "I can be ready as soon as two days or so. Rody, you are practically jumping out of your seat. What would you like to comment on." She asked. "Well, I don't see a need for a trial. Just let him come with me." He says with some excitement. "If the court, that will be trying him, deems banishment a good enough punishment; then he can. As soon as he has been properly banished from stepping foot on either of our lands and marked; so that he cannot step on any property owned by anyone of us. If he does, then the mark will kill him... Instantly. But this has to go through at least our court, as the charges pertain to my Luna." Damian said with authority. Rody is slowly losing the pep he had at Devon's name being mentioned. Good, I can almost see the steam coming out of everyone else's ears. How I am being the calm one I have no idea.

      Turning to Franziska. "Fran, is there a way to also have a type of barrier spell to help enforce this and to also keep anyone who has any intent to harm or ill will? I just want to be safe in case he; one, somehow does not get banished... two, finds a way to get the banishment mark off... and three if he hires anyone or if anyone wants to take revenge on his behalf?" I ask her. "My dear, why are you asking me?" She asks, looking at me like she knows where I am going with it. "Well, you have remained hidden for so long and I assume you have had issues of your own where you have had to keep someone out." I ask with a mischievous look in my eyes. Damian looks a bit confused and Rody is now starting to fume. "I happen to know someone who can help make it happen. I will need you both to meet with them and help perform it. Temporary takes a little amount of time but permanent takes quite a bit longer. I can send for them with an explanation as to why I need them to come here. If that is alright with you?" She grins. "It will need to take place after the next event though." She replies knowingly. "That is perfectly fine." I replied. "Any questions?" I ask looking directly at Rody. "No." He huffs. He looks like he is going to explode!! Rose breaks her silence and starts laughing. I stifle a giggle. "I know. Now why do you have to go and make me want to laugh. Couldn't you have waited until we got Rody out of here at least?" I ask her, smiling. "Maybe... But I didn't want to wait. You needed a laugh." She says confidently. I just shake my head. "What was so funny and why are you shaking your head?" Rody practically yells which makes both Damian and Josiah go into defensive and protective mode. In fact, I believe they both growled. "Boys... It's ok. If you must know, my wolf was trying to ease the tension in my head making jokes. If you wish to continue getting angry you may be escorted off the land and will not be welcome back." I authoritatively state.

      Rody looked a bit offended. "She needs to learn her place then. Doesn't she know when to be serious?", he ridiculed. Oh he did not just say that? Rose commented. Before I could respond to the group. "You need to leave right now!" Damian commanded. "She had already stated it was to ease tension. I will not have you disrespect anyone here." he added, irately. As Damian said that, three lycans came in and proceeded to escort Rody out. "Your grandson will not be allowed anywhere near here and neither will you!" Fran yelled at him as he was escorted out. "Oh I feel better. I have wanted to yell at him for years." Fran said as she happily leaned into Josiah. "Good riddance I say." Josiah chimed in. "Now that Rody is gone, let's get on with banishing Devon and let's add Rody to it as well. He doesn't have to be here for that. He will feel it." Fran said casually. "Now how do we go about this, since it's property banishment as well..." I asked. "Simple child. It is a series of spells that will act as a sort of shield. It would be similar to a dog collar. The spells will cause immense pain to them if they try to cross the border. I have already performed the ones that outline all of fae land and your pack's land. The last two are just needed on Rody and Devon. They will take some time and the only person needed for those is just me. I would hate to bore you." She says as she smiles gently.

      Just a few moments later two of the warriors bring Devon in. I notice his mouth is taped shut. I raised my eyebrow at the warriors and the younger one smiled. "I didn't think we wanted to anger anyone and he was mouthy. It was better than knocking him out." The older one stated while the younger let out a little laugh. "Fair point. Damian. The honors are yours." I smile and say as I turn and look at him. "Devon Stephens, you have been brought before me, have been accused, and found guilty. Your punishment is banishment. I, Alpha Damian Burkhardt, banish you, half-fae Devon Stephens, from entering both my pack land and the fae. I also banish former King of Fae Rody Laufer, with the same." Damian tried and failed to hide a smile. "Benjamin and Alexander. Please link me or Beta Levi once you have both of them outside of the border?" He asked instead of commanded, I noticed. They both nod their heads. "Which is which?" I link him. "Benjamin is the older and Alexander is the younger." He links back and then just hugs me. We then just talk about the complexity of the spells Fran will be doing. About 10 minutes later Levi looked over and nodded. We kindly let Fran know. "This will take about 15 minutes for the pack lands and then an hour for mine. So, run along and we can meet up for dinner."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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