Chapter 6

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(I know this is somewhat short so I do apologize but I did want to leave this on a cliffhanger as There will be a lot going on in the next chapter and it may be slightly longer. I have pictures up in my fb group and you can feel free to ask me question there as well.

      "Aleia, Josiah just mind-linked me. He is headed to the library. Let's go." Damian said enthusiastically. All six of us get in the car. Levi drives, I sit in Damian's lap, and the girls sit in the back seat. "Well this is a little cramped..." Leah said. I just giggle. Of course, my giggling was because Damian decided to tickle me since there wasn't much room and I couldn't get away. We get back to the pack house and we are walking fairly fast to find out some information. "Rose, will you give me a hint as to what this may be about?" Aleia I could be wrong. So, I don't want to give you false information. It would seem, Damian already told Josiah about a few things because the gentleman I am assuming is Josiah, already has out some old books and is looking through them. "I see you brought company, Alpha Damian." Josiah said without looking up. "Yes sir, the twin witches know of something but said we needed to talk to you first. The vampire is just a close friend to the Future Luna and the Future Beta. I am the newest addition to the friend group. They are all really close." Damian had replied. "Very well, let's get started. Luna if you would please tell me everything and please don't miss a single detail. It all matters." Josiah said to me while looking up at me then back down to the book. I explain everything doing my best to not miss anything. We go back and forth about many things related to my past and family history, I had to call my mom for a lot of it. Rose reminded me to tell him about the kidnapping and that got his attention. "I need to speak to this witch, Melissa. And I assume by how the twins are confused and curious tells me they sense there is more as well." He says while smiling their way. We called for Melissa to come to the library. She walks in about five minutes later and Josiah turns to us, "Please leave me and the three witches alone to chat I will let you know when I am ready for y'all to come back." We all nod and leave. "Let's go to my office so that we are still close." Damian says anxiously. We get to his office. "We have two things we need to decide on how to approach and deal with... Devon and Courtney." Just hearing their names has me seething. Rose pushes forward. "Devon needs to die, and I want to torture Courtney. How dare she try to claim my mate." She is practically screaming by the end. Rose goes to leave and Damian comes to hold me to calm me down. I look up and see it's not Damian but Shadow. "We will deal with them. I already promised you that you got to end Devon. But we have information we need to get out of him. And as for Courtney. She is a lonely bitch who, yes, did wrong but we can't let our emotions guide us on wither one of these. Kidnapping a Luna is a death sentence which is why Damian and I did agree to that." For about five minutes they try to calm me and Rose down, when Josiah and the others walk in. We are still raging and she is at the front with me.
      "Luna, Alpha, I am ready to talk with you all. Is everything ok?" Josiah asked. "Yes, Luna is just upset we haven't done anything to Courtney and Devon yet." Damian replies quickly before I can say anything. Josiah nods. "Luna, do you know their parentage?" Josiah asked me. "Well Courtney is Alpha David Kurt's niece. Devon didn't talk about his family much, but I know he is not a witch, vampire, or werewolf. So, we all assume he is human. Why?" I asked. "Better yet when can we deal with them?" Rose growls. Josiah just kind of cocks his head at me. "Luna, do you know how you and your wolf can be present at the same time?" Josiah asks curiously. "No... It is kind of a shock to us all." Rose had retreated when he asked that question. She also got unusually quiet. No in a guilty way but she was now curious yet, but she also thinks she could be wrong. It was an odd feeling. Aleia, I am sorry for shocking you. Are you scared of me? Rose asked me. "No Rose, it was just a shock as in no one knew that was possible to both be forward at the same time. Also, I could never be scared of you. You say things that I wish I only had the strength to." Everyone is staring at me. "What?" I ask to no one in particular. Damian goes to say something before he sees Josiah shake his head. "Luna, you were saying that Rose said she was the Moon Goddess' daughter?" I nod my head. Josiah takes a book in a weird way from Cheyenne. I look at Levi and Damian and they look confused. "Elder Josiah, what do you have?" Levi asked. "It's a book." I responded. Josiah looks pleasantly surprised. He takes a vase from Kylie. "Josiah, what are you doing?" Damian asked. "I am testing a theory." he replied. "Luna what is this?" I just stare dumbfounded. "Can you two not see the vase he has now?" I ask with concern. Levi and Damian shake their heads. Josiah grins. "What about this Luna?" he asks as he takes a folder from Melissa. "It's a folder" I say with a puzzled expression. "Each of these were disguised as something only fae and us can see, only humans and us can see, and last was what only the witches and I could see. I would like you to tell me which you think were disguised under which spell." I sigh heavily and look at Josiah and the objects he is holding. "Luna, before you just guess randomly, I would suggest inspecting it and really think about it." I walk up to him. "Can I hold them?" He nods and I take each of the items and look them over. "I think the book is fae, the vase was just you four, and the folder was humans." I said while looking at the items curiously still. "Why do you say that?" Josiah asked me. The folder didn't seem to need as much magic, the book seemed like it had more, and the vase almost radiated with it." I finally look at Leah, Levi, and Damian. They all look like they are in shock. "Luna, I think I know what's going on but to test my last theory I need you to not get upset and I need your wolf to remain composed and not show anger." I just kind of zone out for a second. "I can do that, and I will work hard to keep Rose in check." Rose just scoffs at me. "The reason is I want to take these items down to Devon and see if he actually picks the folder. By the way, you got them all right. The reason I ask is because most people think they fae is a myth. It is not. My first mate was a fae. She was made to reject me and then I found my second chance mate who was a lycan. Devon should not have been able to get all of them to help without question... Unless he is fae. You will only tell him that you would like him to take the object he sees to prove he is a human. And that a few of the lycans think is a werewolf with no wolf. We will only present the book and folder. One in each hand." Rose is super curious now. Aleia, I promise to behave I want to know the truth. "Rose says she will behave." I say as I laugh a little. Everyone nods and they follow Damian, Levi, and I to the dungeons where Devon and Courtney are being kept. We get to the dungeons and I noticed Devon and Courtney both look different, and it's not just because they have been down here waiting to be tortured or questioned. 

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