Chapter 3

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*Devon's POV*

      Why couldn't she just listen? I love her. I have for years. I tried to be respectful to get and how they find their so-called mate. I decide to go with Plan B. I had the help of some witches, not Kylie or Cheyenne because they wouldn't understand. These withes that were helping me didn't care because they were not allies to any of my friends' families. Plan A was just to give her a potion that would have her recognize me as her mate. It would only work before she found her real one though. Plan B was to get help from some of the wolves that also had no allegiance to them. They would have help from the vampires due to their speed. They could get her out of the school quickly. The werewolves would also have help from the witches so they could keep Aleia subdued until she rejected Damian and took me as her mate.
      She is telling everyone what all happened. I kept to the shadows to hear everything and know when to walk up. Just then I walk up, "I need to speak to you. Alone." I say the last word while glaring at Damian. She gets up and follows me to the hall after reassuring Levi and Damian She would be ok. I knew otherwise at least for the time being. I am very pissed off, "Why didn't you stay away from him Aleia? Everything would have been so much easier if you had just stayed away from him." She looked as if she was caught off guard. "What do you mean it would be easier? What would be easier? Also, why are you so upset?" she then asks. "Did you seriously not know that I am in love with you?" I ask dumbfounded. Before she could respond one of the vampires hit her over the head. "Come on, hurry before they notice she isn't back yet." I tell him. He just nods, picks her up and races out. The witches will give me something I can use to teleport to her and back. They don't even trust me to know where they are keeping her. They seem a bit afraid of Damian. Especially since they found out she was his mate.

*Damian's POV*

      Lunch bell just rang. I haven't seen Aleia since she went to talk to the Devon kid. I walk out into the hallway, and something feels wrong. I can smell Devin and Aleia. However, they are both faint at this point. Damian. Something is wrong with Aleia. We need to find that little punk and find out if he knows where she is, Shadow says. "I agree Shadow. Let's find him. We need to ask their friends where he may take her to talk." I quickly say. "Where are you and are you with the group? Is Aleia there?" I mind-linked Levi. "I just left the cafeteria, and they are here but Aleia is not. What's going on?" he responds immediatly. "Aleia and Devon are not in the hallway. Where would they have gone to talk?" I say frustrated. "Devon is right here. Let me ask him." Levi responds very confused. "No. I will ask him. Have the group stay where you are. I don't care what you have to tell them just don't mention Aleia is missing." I say quickly. I get over there and throw Devon against the wall, "Where is Aleia?" I ask. "I don't know!" he responds. He isn't saying everything. He can't be, Shadow says. Anger is rising and I am fighting Shadow off from coming forward. I slam him into the wall again, "You know a hell of a lot more than you are saying. What the fuck happened?!" I can tell he is in pain now, "We had a chat and she left. I don't know where she is." he repsponds. I drop him, "If I find out you had anything to do with her disappearance so help me. I will let my lycan deal with you!" I threaten. I have to keep a closer eye on him. Over the next couple of days Shadow is driving me nuts because no one knows where Aleia is. At this point I called my late father's Beta and let him know what's going on. He assured me that he would get a group of warriors and trackers together and he would organize with the Dark Moon pack along with some witches and vampires whom we trust with our lives and start searching for her.
      I see Aleia's dad and walk over to him. "Is there anything I can do for your family? My pack is getting a group together to help search for her and Alpha Kurt is one of the people my late father's Beta will be contacting." I ask. "Just help find my daughter. Also, none of those formalities in private we will be family soon." Beta Michael says. "Yes sir." I reply. Aleia baby, we will find you and make whoever took you pay.

*Aleia's POV*

      I wake up feeling really groggy. I realize I can't move my hands or feet very far. I look down and notice I am in silver chains. I look around and it looks to be like a basement of an old cabin. I hear someone coming down the stairs. They look like a servant. "Hey Rose, having servants was outlawed years ago, right?" I ask. She doesn't respond in fact I notice I no longer feel her present. She is still there I can feel that much but it's like my connection is cut off from her. As the servant comes more into the light I notice it is a very thin, young girl. Very quickly and quietly she puts the food and a small glass of water on the floor in front of me. As she is walking off , "My name is Aleia. What's yours?" I say. "My name is Annalise." in almost a whisper she says. "Thank you!" I respond quickly. She nods and runs off. I finally look at the food and it's chicken with mashed potatoes. By the look and smell of it, it's not seasoned. I quickly eat it while it's still hot. I go to take a drink of the water and it just tastes awful. I spit it out and as I do I smell a vampire. I look around and see two of them walking towards me. Without tight the chains are I can't even try to get away. One gets a hold of my and the other takes of the chains. I try to fight so I can get loose and attempt to run away but they have a firm grip on me at this point. The drag me into another room and attach me to a chair with silver chains. I think to myself that this is it and I am done for, but a few witches walk in and dismiss them.
      "Did you eat and drink everything?" the redhead asks. I just shook my head. "This will be entertaining then." the brunette scoffs. "Oh shut up Brandy! Aleia look, that was to help your mind not suffer any trauma from what we may have to do if you decide to not cooperate." The redhead says. "What the hell Melissa, I thought we weren't using our name?!" Brandy as I now know spat. I start to panic, "Where am I? What am I doing here? How do you know my name? Why can't I communicate with my wolf?" I say. "You are out in the middle of nowhere so if you scream you won't be heard. You are here because someone doesn't want you with your mate. We know your name because the person who hired us told us. As to your wolf, there is wolfsbane in every room of this building in some way, shape, or form. To add to that you were also injected with wolfsbane. We can't have you using your werewolf strength now, can we?" Melissa says. Brandy is surprised, "Why did you answer everything?" I am just looking at them both. "Do not question me! I am in charge. Also, if it proves too much of a problem, we can just whip up something to give her amnesia." Melissa spats back. Brandy just storms off and Melissa just watches her. Turning to me, "Ok. Look, I was fine helping the dumb human to become your mate with a potion. I may be the only one that helped do all this that doesn't want to cross Alpha Damian. I am going to try to find a way that I can seem like I am still helping him, while actually helping you get back to Damian." I am confused now. "What human?" I ask. "Devon Stephens. He is so infatuated with you its unhealthy. I want to help you but for now I do have to do as he asks. I don't want him getting suspicious just yet." she cautiously responds. "If you want to help me why can't we do it now? I want out of here." I ask. Melissa pauses, "It will be too soon and everyone else will grow suspicious. They were already questioning my loyalty. My maid is Annalise. She won't bring you anything that will hurt you. So please eat and drink what she gives you. It will help you heal and make any pain minor if anyone tries to torture you to submit."she responds. I think for a moment... "Is there a way you can get a message to Damian or even my father to point them in the right direction? Also, how can I know I can trust you and that you're not just trying to get me to drop my guard?" She smiles, "You have more with than he gave you credit for. I can do that, it will just have to wait until later tonight when my shift is up here. As to your second question, because I am not just an ordinary witch. I can be of significant use to your pack and to Damian. I know how Devon was able to convince everyone to continue to help even after we found out that you were Damian's mate." I nod. She drops her head, "I am sorry, but I do have to make it look and sound like you aren't cooperating or they will also think something is up. I will go easy on you, but I need to you embellish what you are feeling. What feels minor you need to make seem major and I can give you a potion that makes bruises appear when they normally wouldn't, and scratches look like welts. That is the only way for it to be me to do your punishment for not being cooperative, instead of someone else." she says. "Ok... I can try." I reply meekly. I pause, "Thank you for helping me!" She nods.
      She gave me the potion and I drank it. I do hope I did the right thing by trusting her. She does hold her end of the bargain and she just smacks my face. It doesn't hurt that bad, but I do scream. She also takes a whip and smack me with it. Again, doesn't hurt that bad just feels like I fell hard. I scream some more and even add crying. I look over and it looks like she hit me with it as hard as she could. After a few hours of 'torture' she grabs another potion, "This is to make you seem like you are low on energy from everything we did." she says. I nod and take it. She resumes her act when she calls the vampires in to take me back to the other room. As they drag me out and she smiles sadly at me. Man, that potion made me tired. I guess this is how I would really feel if she did do all that to me. The get me chained back up and I just drift off to sleep.
I wake up and try to stretch but alas, the chains don't really allow for it. I hear someone walking down the stairs again. I smile slightly when I see it's Annalise with breakfast. It's some fried eggs, a piece of toast, a couple pieces of bacon, and a small glass of milk. She looks at the toast and at me and back at the toast raising her eyebrows. I take the hint. I nod, "Thank you." She hurriedly goes back up the stairs. I make sure no one is around, and I pick up the toast. I see a note. So, as I am eating everything, I read the note.

Aleia, I did send someone to deliver a vague message to Damian about an hour after you were taken back to where you are being kept. I didn't use anyone who could be traced back here. I did that so no one here would be tipped off as to what I am doing. Everyone responsible will be here after lunch, including me... All I ask is that when they get here you speak to Damian about what we talked about yesterday.

After I finished reading the note it just disintegrated in my hand. I inwardly nod and smile and pray Damian takes it seriously and comes to rescue me. I just now have to wait.

*Damian's POV*

      Shadow starts to whimper. "Shadow we will find her and bring everyone down who had any part in her disappearance." I tell him. She is being hurt. I don't know how I know but I do, he responds.I just start seething in anger. Levi mind-links me, "Alpha Damian, there is someone here who wishes to speak to you about Aleia." I sigh, "Where are you?" I ask. "I was on my way to your house and was fixing to walk in the door when they came up behind me and said they have to speak with you urgently." He replies. Trying to calm myself, "Ok, bring them inside and I will meet you in my office." I quickly race to my office. My dad's Beta never used my dad's office, so it was now mine and he used his Beta office to run the pack for now. I barely beat them there. I see Levi and the young man that is with him walk through the door. "My name is Alpha Damian. I have been told you have information on my mate Aleia." I say. "Yes, Alpha Damian. My name is Tom. I was just walking through town when I was stopped by a lady who said her name is Melissa and she said I need to get this note to you as soon as possible as it had information about your mate." the gentleman responds. He hands it to me, "Is that everything? Do you who this Melissa is or anything else?" I ask. "Yes sir, that is everything, and I do not know her. It was my first time seeing her. She handed me the note and disappeared." he replies sadly. Staring at the paper in my hand I dismiss Tom and I thank him. Levi walks him back out. I open the note and read it.

Alpha Damian. This is of urgent importance. There is an old worn-down cabin about an hour northwest from you. It is about 5 minutes west from the sacred tree of the Moon Goddess. I will warn you the people have planted wolfsbane everywhere, so it will affect your wolves. You need to be around noon tomorrow so that everyone involved is here. I will do my best to keep Aleia from true harm. This all depends on you now to get her out.


      I am just staring at the note when Levi walks back in. "Damian.... What's the news on my best friend?" I look at him, "Call an emergency meeting with Alpha Kurt and the witches that help with my pack. I want to speak to them here within the hour. As soon as everyone is here, we are making a plan to get her back. Also call up some of the vampires that owe our pack for saving them. I will need their help as well." I say. He nods and rushes out to make all the necessary calls. Within 15 minutes everyone is here at my house. I show them the note"Can you do a sweep to make sure there is even a cabin there. I also want you to be as quiet and as swift as possible. Once you know please report back to me. If you could also let me know what activity you see going on." I ask the vampires. They all nod and take off. The rest of us get a plan together within an hour and a half, by then the vampires called, "Alpha there were at least 6 in the cabin, but we didn't see Aleia. But it looks like it could have a basement." they said. "Thank you so much! If you wish to help with the rescue then return back, and we will explain our plan so far." I replied. I tell the others what I was just told, and we are almost finished finalizing everything when the vampires get back, so we explain everything to them. Everyone goes to tell their warriors what is going to happen and how to do it the most efficiently. Shadow starts to get restless, Damian I want to save her now! "You saw the note. I want to get them all. If they fight, they die there. Everyone else will be brought to the dungeons." I say back.

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