Chapter 10

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      About 2:50pm the warriors arrive to escort us to the dress shops. About 5 minutes later the girls show up. "I will be right back I am going to go tell Damian bye." I head off to his office. I knock on the door. "Come in." I open the door. "Sweetheart why did you knock. You can come right on in. I don't care if I am even in a meeting." He tells me sweetly. "I am just here to tell you bye and that we are about to leave." I walk over give him a hug and a kiss. "I love you. Bye baby." I tell him affectionally. "I love you too and bye." He says while he laughs a bit. I walk back over to the group, and we all head out. We end up taking two Black Suburban's. Leah finds her dress at the second dress store. It is a beautiful floor length black and red ombre, one shoulder dress with a silver strap just under the bust and the shoulder strap is also silver and run along the top of the bust. It is black at the top and about where her hips are its starts to fade into a red. Cheyenne and Kylie found their dresses at the next store. They are floor length and also one shoulder dresses. They have some sequins on the right side and on the strap that goes over the shoulder. The dresses are identical in every way but color. Kylie's is lavender and Cheyenne's is a light pink. We go to about four other stores and still haven't found the dress I want. "Girl, you are so damn picky. Just pick a dress." Leah says to me with the twins nodding their heads looking exhausted. "I'm sorry. I just haven't found one that speaks to me yet." I sigh feeling frustrated. "Ok... One more store and if you don't find something I will just pick you something out." Cheyenne says with confidence. "I know just the store. Primarily witches go there but I think an exception can be made for you. Your Grace." Kylie says and with some sassiness on 'Your Grace'. "Fine let's go. I think I am the last out of all of us, including the female warriors." I say feeling defeated. Aleia, I have a good feeling about the witch's store. I am ready to go back to our mate. Rose tells me. "Fair enough, I miss him too."

      It takes roughly an hour and a half to get to this store. It looks more like an herbal shop on the outside instead of a dress shop. Plants are growing everywhere. There are some climbing roses and a plant that is a beautiful purple that is also a climbing vine. "What is the purple one?" I ask hesitantly. "That would be wisteria. I think it complements the climbing roses." Kylie responds. "It does. Are you sure we are in the right place? This feels more like an herbalists shop instead of a dress shop." I question. "Yep. The owner does the dresses, and her daughter does flower arrangements with some herbs." Cheyenne says rather quickly. I look at her and she is grinning at her sister. "Alright, let's go in and find your dress. Because as the twins said, this is the last dress shop we are going to." Leah says frankly. I nod. "Let's do this! My dress will be here." I say hopefully. After about 20 minutes I am still not finding what I feel with be the perfect dress. "Aleia, over here. This is the last one in your size. Go try it on. I will not take no for an answer." Leah says excitedly. All she lets me see is that it is a beautiful hunter green. As I am putting the dress on, I hear Leah. "Kylie, Cheyenne I think I found her perfect dress. Hurry up and get over here." A few moments later. "I didn't even let her see the dress."

       As I step out of the dressing room, I hear all three gasp. I didn't have a mirror. So, I don't know how this looks on me and now I have to show the girls. "I don't know if I should know... It's bad isn't it." I say despairingly. Yes, the last sentence came out as a statement. I was already feeling let down. As I turned to go back to the dressing room I hear. "That dress... it fits like it was made just for you." "It fits your skin complexion perfectly." "It fits in all the right places while looking sophisticated." And a bunch of... "That's gorgeous... That's perfect... I'm a tad jealous I can't pull that off." And other similar comments from the twins, Leah, and all the warriors. A few other patrons even stopped to see what the commotion was about and were commenting. I turn back around and practically everyone points towards a mirror about 10 feet away on my left. I walk over and I am stunned. This isn't necessarily what I had in mind but yet, it's so perfect. Almost in a haze I just starting walking to pay for the dress not realizing I hadn't changed out of it because I was in shock that we found the perfect dress. About halfway to the register the owner reminded me I needed to change so I didn't ruin the dress. "You know... I can see this fits you almost perfectly. I did notice there are a few spots that could be altered to fit a little bit tighter and would be more comfortable that way and I could bring the dress up about let's say... an inch so it isn't dragging on the ground while you are wearing flats or being barefoot." Before I could answer I hear two squeals behind me. "Auntie Rose!!" The twins say as they run up to her and give her a hug. "Hey girls! I didn't know you were here. I was in the back altering a dress that came in today." She says to them. "Aleia, I would like you to meet our mom's best friend. Aunt Rosemary Woods. She owns the store and deals with the dresses. Her daughter is Lacie Woods, and we call her Lace or cousin Lace. Auntie Rose this is Aleia. One of our best friends and future Luna to the Blood Ridge Pack. We are here getting her dress for the Luna ceremony that is happening on the next full moon." Kylie explains. "Would it be ok if our aunt does a few minor alterations?" Cheyenne asks me. "Sure. It fits pretty comfortable, but if you can make it feel even more so I would love it!" I reply with a shy smile. "Perfect! Also, as my gift to you the dress is on the house." She exclaims. As she finishes her sentence and before I can refute her offer. Her daughter comes up to the register. "Mom, her dress was already paid for anonymously. Also, hey little cousins." She says teasingly. "*pfft* We are older than you. Just because your taller..." Kylie says while Cheyenne rolls her eyes. "I believe we need to get heading back before people start to worry about us." Leah states authoritatively. "Miss Aleia, once you change back into your other clothes, I will take the dress and alter it just a bit and if it's ok with you I can have one or both of the twins bring it to you?" Rosemary asked me. "That sounds fantastic. And yes, that is perfectly fine!"

*Damian's POV*

      I have been trying to keep occupied. I know I have the best of the female warriors with them right now, but it doesn't seem to ease any fears of something happening. Our mate will be fine. Not only does she have the warriors, but I don't think her friends are easy targets to take down. Shadow tries to reason. "I know... It's just she has been gone all day. We haven't heard anything from any of them." I respond back. Look who has turned into a sap. Shadow retorts before he says anything else... "Damian, Alpha Kurt is here and wishes to speak to you and Aleia. I already told him that Aleia is out at the moment, and he still wishes to speak to you." Levi mind-links me. "Very well, please bring him in." I reply. "Alpha Kurt it is a pleasure to have you here. How can I help you?" I ask him. "Well..."

*Aleia's POV*

      We get back to the pack house and on the way back it took about two hours after leaving last dress store. We have been out for about six hours. I am tired. The girls managed to talk me into asking Damian if they could stay here and have a sleep over of sorts. They wanted to start with makeup and hair ideas for the ceremony. "Hey Levi! Where is Damian? I have a question." I ask. "Oh, he is in the office with Alpha Kurt. I just took him there. I can walk you there." He tells me. We get up to the office I go to walk in, and I hear them just starting their conversation. I open the door as Alpha Kurt starts with why he is here. "Well... Oh. Hello Aleia, I thought you were out. When did you get back?" He asks me while side-eyeing Damian. "I just walked in apparently not too long after you got here as Levi said he just walked you to the office. How can we help you?" I ask. "As I was going to tell Damian, I have agreed with you on Courtney's punishment. She needs to be branded as a traitor. I found out some more information on her after I left here last time. As it turns out, she was, in her own way, Devon's inside source. I don't even know if he remembers but she would talk a little bit louder about pack things when he was around to get him to see if he would do something with the information. She also knew that he may have been related to the fae. If that is the case, she also betrayed them." He was saying. "Wait. Wait, are you telling me that the woman down there right now willing said sensitive information about the pack as a whole or just about Aleia and I being mates, with no care as to who else was around?" Damian interrupts him asking. "Wait, how did she betray the fae?" I ask. "Damian, yes. I believe so. I believe she didn't care, as long as Aleia got hurt." Alpha Kurt says while looking at Damian. He then turns to me. "Aleia, from my understanding her cousin is a fae-werewolf hybrid. Her cousin is from a different pack which is why we haven't heard anything. They want to keep it under wraps. But as to how she betrayed them... It is why I came to speak to both of you in person instead of over the phone. It is not my story to tell. However, the fae Queen would like to speak with you, about both; Courtney and Devon." He responded with seriously. I am in shock. "We would be happy to speak with them." Damian responded. "When are we to meet the fae Queen?" I ask hesitantly. "I know this is late notice, but she wishes you both to travel to her tomorrow and has sent the name of a witch who can transport you to her and then back." Alpha Kurt responds apologetically. "I guess we meet the Queen tomorrow of a people we didn't even know existed." Damian responds. 

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