Chapter 4

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      So, I go over the plan with Shadow, "Ok, this is more for me than you, but I am going to go over this again and I need to make sure I am not missing anything. One of my pack members will be with each group so we can all communicate. The vampires will do a quick scout with the witches masking their scent and make them invisible so they don't have to move as fast so Jonathan can keep up, the witches will do the same for him, and they will report what they find to the rest of us. The witches are also going to be making at least one health potion for everyone, in case it gets rough. They also will make a potion to help us against the wolfsbane, thank the Moon Goddess it's just the plants. Alpha Kurt and his warriors will come at the North and West sides of the property. We will come at the South and East sides of the property. We will close in on the cabin and will fight to either the death or until they give up. If they give up; they are taken to the dungeons, interrogated, and then killed. When we find Aleia she will be given a health potion and if she is injured one of the vampires will run her to the pack house. Am I missing anything, or do I need to change or add something?" It's a good solid plan. We will find her, then we will make whoever did this pay, Shadow replies.

*Aleia's POV*

      I decided to take a nap and I was awakened by someone hitting my face. Before I can respond I get punched in the face. I try to fight back but it is useless as they stay just out of reach. I look up and I see one of the vampires from earlier. He smiles sinisterly, "Glad your awake. I want to have some fun before the boss takes you as his." Shocked and dismayed, "What do you..." He hits me again. "I didn't tell you that you could speak, bitch! I'm going to take you rough now. I was going to drug you but now I'm not. You're going to be my whore for a little while. I do have to go back upstairs for lunch so that they don't get suspicious though." he says angrily. He grins, kicks me in the stomach, punches me in the face again, laughs, and walks upstairs. I am terrified and in a lot of pain. It hurts to breath, my left eye is swollen shut, and it hurts to move my jaw. I really wish I could talk to you Rose. I don't know what to do. What if Damian doesn't get here in time? ... In mid thought, I hear fighting above me. I see a vampire come down the stairs, I instantly flinch, "Please don't hit me like the other one. I didn't do anything wrong.", crying "Please don't rape me like he wants to do as well." I whisper. I look up and the vampire looks angry so I flinch away as far as I can. "I will be right back." he says. After a couple of minutes, I notice I am getting very tired and feeling weak. Before I can fall asleep, he is back and has two potions for me, "This one will heal you some." showing me the blue potion "This one will help ease the effects of the wolfsbane." showing me the pale green one. I just shake my head. I don't know if he is telling me the truth... Maybe he is giving these to me to make it easier for the other guy to rape me. He pauses, "I promise I am here to help you and rescue you." I still don't trust him, so I shake my head. He sighs, "Ok. Let me see if I can get Alpha Burkhart down here then." I stare at him wide-eyed and start crying. He runs back upstairs and comes back down tentatively with none other than my Damian.

*Damian's POV*

      Zachariah came upstairs a second time after getting the potions for Aleia. "Sir, she is really hesitant to take anything from me. She is pretty banged up. She said to not hit her like the other one and to not rape her like he wants to. We need to be careful." Shadow just growls. I am livid. I turn to the captors who are alive, "Who here was the last one downstairs?" A vampire raises his hand, "I was. I planned on having sex with that dumb bitch. She doesn't know it yet, but she wants it." he says cockily. Smiling I walk over pick him up and break his neck. One of the witches smiled. She had put her hands up as soon as we came in. I will decide what to do with them once I can assure my mate that the potions are ok for her to take. "Take me to Aleia." I tell Zachariah.

*Aleia's POV*

      It can't be. He really found me! He takes the potions from the vampire. Walking slowly to me, "Aleia, baby, please take these. This man's name is Zachariah. He can be trusted. When you drink these and he can tell it's helping he is going to run you to the pack hospital. I will be there as soon as I can baby. Ok?" I just nod and still eyeing Zachariah, I drink the potions and Damian goes back up the stairs. Zachariah slowly approaches me, "Luna, I need to see how much the potions are helping." I just nod and flinch a little when he touches me. Seeming to know, "I won't hurt you. I promise. Alpha Burkhart has been driving everyone ragged trying to find you. I wouldn't dare cross him." he says. "There is a witch, Melissa. She was good to me and tried to make everything to not hurt me. She had to torture me but, she gave me potions to make it seem as worse than she did and have me play it up. Her and her maid Annalise were the only ones nice to me. I need tell Damian!" I say quickly. He nods and goes upstairs and brings Damian back down. I tell him what I told Zachariah and he smiles, "Melissa is the reason I knew how to find you here. Can you come up and show me who they are?" I smile and nod. We all go up the stairs. I point out Melissa and Annalise. The Damian turns, "Ok, baby I need you to let Zachariah run you to the pack house I will be right there." he says. I nod and I get on my tiptoes and give him a kiss then a hug. As I do that, I see Devon. I just growl and glare at him. Damian pulls back so he can turn and then he notices Devon. "Baby, what's going on?" he asks curiously. I am seething at the point. "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO TAKE ME FROM MY MATE YOU GIANT PIECE OF SHIT!!" I scream at Devon! I go to lunge at him, and Damian is holding me back. I can tell he is seething too. "Baby. We will have a chat with him in my dungeon. Ok baby?" Damian whispers. I growl again, "Fine. I get first go and I get to be his ending." Damian smiles and nods.

*Devon's POV*

      We are just eating lunch, as I will be leaving afterwards as to not arouse suspicion. Aleia will be mine by the end of the week. I just grin as big as day. I notice Melissa and her dumb ass maid are just being more quiet than normal. Today will be her last day here. She has seemed off since Aleia got here. I don't like it. The doors burst open. Vampires and werewolves come running in. I see some of my people fight and are quickly dispatched. Once everyone sees that they stop fighting and put up their hands... Cowards, but I need to act like I didn't know what was going on, so my hands are also up. Damian and one of his vampires going downstairs twice and I scowl. Aleia was supposed to be mine. They all three come back up and she points out Melissa and her maid. Damn, I though Melissa might have been a traitor. I just stare at Aleia while trying to look terrified. She sees me and growls, "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO TAKE ME FROM MY MATE YOU GIANT PIECE OF SHIT!!" she screams at me. Then she fucking lunges at me! What the hell? They begin whispers something to her and all she says is fine. After Aleia and the vampire leave, everyone gets a bag put on their head and their arms tied behind their back. We are then marched out.

*Aleia's POV*

      We get to the pack hospital and after I am checked out, "You are lucky. Most of these will heal within a few days. The only one I am concerned about it your stomach. I will need to keep you here at the hospital until I know what is going on there." the doctor tells me. About that time Levi come rushing in, "Aleia, Oh my Goddess! I am so happy to see you here and the rest of us missed you! Ok guys. Come in, she is awake!" In come the twins and Leah. Leah walks up first and gives me a big hug, but I wince. "OMG! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you." she apologizes. I laugh, "It's ok. Just be easy for a few days." She gives me another firm but gentle hug. Kylie is about in tears when she gives me her hug, "Aleia, we were all so worried about you!" she says. "I know, and I am sorry. None of this was any of y'all's fault." I reply. As I was talking Cheyenne comes and gives me a hug also, "Aleia... Do you know who did this to you? I want to tear them to shreds." I just giggle and then with a serious face, "I do. However, you aren't going to like the answer. You actually may or may not be surprised." I ask Levi, "Did Damian tell you anything yet?" He shakes his head no. I nod, "Ok, so..." I start at the beginning from when me and Devon went to the hall to talk. I end with when they walk into the hospital room. They just stare at me in disbelief. Then in almost perfect unison, "DEVON DID WHAT?" They start deciding who wants to kill him more when I stop them, "I will start his torture and I will end his life. I will be the last thing he sees. He will know the fear I had, and he will die with that fear." They all looked shocked because I was normally this quiet, shy person. Yet here I was flat out telling them I was going to kill him and start his torture.
      About that time Damian walks in, more like runs in. Him being close is helping me heal, I know this because the pain is just subsiding. He is just holding me. He turns to the others, "Can you please give us some time alone. I have something I want to talk to her about. When we are done you will be more than welcome to come back in." They all nod and turn to walk out, smiling at me as they do so. He turns to me after they shut the door, "Baby I was so worried about you! Shadow was angry all the time which in turn made me angry all the time. I had Melissa and Annalise ride with me back and we talked. I offered them to join our pack and work for us or she could talk to one of the covens and see if they would take her, but I know they won't take Annalise since they have a strict no humans within the coven rule. They both agreed to be here with us. They will start out here in the hospital as receptionists and when we believe they can be trusted you can place them where you please." I have no idea why but with all this talk his voice is making me wet and making me tingle all over, especially down below. He sniffs the air with the change in scent. He looks at me and his eyes are full of lust. Before he can do anything the doctor walks back in. So, Damian behaves himself. However, that look just made everything more intense for me. The doctor also smells the air, "None of that until she is fully healed. Damian, she does have to stay here for a few days while I keep an eye on her stomach, that took the worst hit. If she gets better or the hit on her stomach becomes less concerning, then she can get out earlier but not until then." the doctor says. We both nod. Damian turns to me kisses me, "Guess I need a cold shower then huh?" We both laugh. He goes out to shower and the group comes back in. Levi just laughs when he smells the room. I just glare at him. He puts his hands up in defeat and walks right back out laughing the whole way. The girls all look at me with questioning looks. "He could smell I got horny..." I say. The girls then laugh too. They all offered to help me get a bath, dressed, and my hair up so it was out of my face. While Kylie helped me bathe, Cheyene went and got stuff for my hair, and Leah went to go get me clothes (she went since all my clothes are at my packhouse since I haven't moved here yet and she has the vampire speed).
      So, after we got me all cleaned up, dressed, and my hair up the girls have a tv brought in and we select movies to binge watch and pick what movie foods we want so Levi could get them. Damian walks in before we start our first movie, "What's going on here?" he asks. I giggle, "Girls movie night." I say. He comes over and kisses my forehead, "Then I will go talk with Alpha Kurt and let him know how we plan to proceed with Devon and what was decided for Melissa and Annalise. I love you so much!" he says and turns to the girls, "You three don't let her do anything by herself. If y'all aren't staying the night here let me know so I can make sure I am here when you leave." The girls all nod. As he goes to leave "I love you too Damian." I say. He just has the biggest smile on his face as he leaves. We watch about 4 movies when the girls decide they are going to call Damian to come down so they could go home.  

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