Chapter 1

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*Aleia's POV*

      "Well, tomorrow is my first day of my senior year." I said to no one in particular, as I stare out at the lake. Hey, it's going to be ok. This upcoming year is going to be big for you. We get to find our mate, Rose chimed in. "I know, but I am still nervous about it. What if he rejects me?" I replied. Well, he would be a fool. The Moon Goddess picks everyone's mates as to what suites them the best, Rose said assertively. As I noticed the sun starting to set, I decided it was time to go home and get everything prepared for the following morning.

*Alarm blaring Eye of the Tiger*

      I turn the alarm off. It's my first day of my senior year. I take a quick shower. I get my favorite blue jeans, my lucky red blouse, and my comfortable boots on. Looking in the mirror I decide to do a messy bun and no makeup. "First senior impression Rose. I am not looking forward to the training drills." Well, you should have been training over the summer. But hey, at least this year we get to start training me, replied Rose. I sighed. Ali, I have a good feeling about today so don't you worry, Rose added enthusiastically. Thinking about training and how that's not a good feeling. "I hope you are right Rose."
      I go downstairs and see both my parents are already gone. Dad is not only the beta he is also our trainer for the school. My mom is the pack nurse. I see a note on the fridge.

Aleia, I know you are going to have a great first day of senior year. Here is $20 for lunch and we filled up your truck. Also, I need a list of things you want to do for your upcoming birthday and what food you want.

      I grab the $20 and I also grab a protein bar for breakfast. "Rose, remember we need to make that list before we get back home. I know how excited mom is." Will do, now let's hurry before we are late for school.
      Crap, 15 minutes to get there and it starts in 20. As I arrive at the school, I park in my normal spot. Levi is waiting for me as training is our first class. "Hey miss lazy bones. Come on we have to hurry and get to the field before your dad gets upset at both of us." "Yeah, yeah, yeah... Thanks for waiting on me Levi." As we hurry to the field my dad just shakes his head at me. "Aleia where are you training clothes?" Dad asks me. Crap... "Sorry Beta Michaels. I was running late and forgot to go change. I will be back in 5 minutes." I know he is my dad, but we try to keep up with formalities in school. Levi snickers at me. I hurry and go change. As I am coming back out, I see one of the lycan alpha's just staring at me. I haven't seen him many times, but I know he is an alpha because of the power that rolls off on him. Aleia, hot guy staring at you. "Rose I know, but I will have to ask Levi about it later. Especially since I don't even know his name or which pack he is the future alpha of." Oh Ali, it doesn't matter what pack... I just tune her out while she is talking because my dad is saying what we are doing today. "Now that miss Michaels is back let get started with some running to warm everyone up because I don't expect any of you did any training over the summer. If you did, then well done."
      Surprisingly, I was able to keep up with everything today. I did notice that the soon to be alpha kept watch over me. Levi noticed it and questioningly raised his eyebrow at me. I shrugged. "Well, you didn't do too bad miss lazy bones." Levi gives me a hug as he says it. As we walk up to the school, his arm is draped on my shoulder. "So who is the guy who kept staring at me?" I decided to ask. "That is my soon to be alpha, Damian Burkhart. Since his dad passed away last summer, he goes to an alpha training session abroad to learn from other alphas since he has to take on the alpha role as soon as he graduates. He turned 18 two weeks ago. He doesn't tend to like many people, so he basically sticks to himself. He tends to stare at everyone. He is supposed to pick his beta sometime this week." Levi replied. He stops talking as the rest of the group walk up to us. They are in our next class, History. It goes by uneventful. As do my next couple of classes. Being seniors, we get the last lunch break.
      We get our food and go to our table. We are all chatting about the classes for about 5 minutes when everyone gets quiet. Everyone is looking behind me. I get chills and Rose starts yipping happily. "Rose what is it?" I ask her, before she can answer... "Hello Alpha Burkhart. Anything we can help with?" Levi says. "Yes, if I may speak with you alone Levi?" Damian hesitantly said. "Yes Alpha. I'll be back guys." Levi responded quickly. Everyone looks at me after they walk away. "So, Ali, any reason why he was staring at you while talking to Levi?" pipes in Cheyenne.  "Uh yea, because he looked like he was happy until Levi said something." as soon as Cheyenne finishes Kylie says. "Guys, I have no idea. He was staring at me during training this morning." Devon shifted uncomfortably in his seat "I though he didn't like anyone." he mumbled. "I wonder why he needed to talk to Levi." quietly Leah says. As they all converse about what just happened, Levi walks back over shocked. "So, what did he want?" Devon asks while looks like he is upset about something. "Well. *pauses* He asked me to be his beta..." replies Levi, cautiously. "Well. Don't keep us waiting. What did you say?" I finally say. "Well, I asked him why me. He told me I was his first choice as I have always been loyal to the pack. He also asked me other questions and I answered them. We chatted a bit more and I decided to accept his proposal." Kylie went to ask him something, but Cheyenne shushed her. We finished our lunch in silence.
      As we were leaving Devon stopped me, "Hey Ali, I didn't like the way Damian looked at you." he said oddly protectively before running off without a response. As I am walking to my next class, "Hey, did Devin seem off to you?" I ask Rose. Yea. I think he likes you. He was acting way to weird not to, she replies. I shake my head. We have been friends forever. I have only ever seen him as a friend. I think back if I could have ever given him any sign otherwise as he knows I am not dating. I want to wait and save all my firsts with my mate when I find him.  Don't stress about it. He is a human after all. He probably doesn't quite understand how it works. Maybe he hopes he is your mate and is being impatient, Rose chimes into my thoughts. I ponder that as I walk into class. I am about to respond to her until I notice Damian is in this class and the only open seat is next to his. Rose starts humming happily. I sit, "Seriously? Stop it. You are acting like a hormonal teenager around him. Now, I need to concentrate in class." I tell Rose.
      While in class, Courtney notices that Damian keeps looking at me and decides to be a bitch. We used to be friends until she decided she wanted to be a part of the popular group. She started ignoring me and making fun of me and everyone in our group. Since we only had each other, she wanted to make that more permanent by doing whatever she could to humiliate us. She walks straight to Damian while holding her coffee, "Hey Damian. We are having a party at my house on Friday do you want to come?" He stares at her blankly "No." he says. Short and simple I thought. Maybe she won't be that bad this year. As she walks past me and 'trips' and spills her entire coffee all over me and just walked away laughing. I go to get up to change, we do tend to keep spare clothes at school in case we end up shifting if rogues attack and we haven't had a rogue attack at the school in years, but dad makes sure we have them just in case. Before I can start walking Damian tells Courtney, "You should apologize." She looked at him like he was crazy. "Uh... How about not. I don't know what she has done to get your attention, but I can tell you she isn't worth it." I had stopped shocked at what just happened. I had never had an alpha stand up for me. Damian stands up and walks with me to the door, "Why do you let her do that?" he asks. "Well. When I um... Would stand up for myself, she would be relentless... And she would be worse to me the next time. She is my alpha's niece, so she doesn't get in trouble unless it's really bad. * I pause* Why did you stand up for me?" I stammered. He ponders for a second, "Well I don't believe people should be harassed like that." He just gives a smile before walking back towards class as we got to my locker where I keep my spare clothes. I grab them and run to the bathroom to change. I get changed and put my coffee-soaked clothes back in my locker when I turn and see my future alpha, James Kurt. He walks up to me very upset, "What in the hell are you doing out of class Aleia?" I stammer, "I am sorry Alpha Kurt. Coffee was spilled on my clothes, so I had to change." I look down, not wanting to meet his eyes. "Well you are changed now get back to class." he angrily says. He turns around and storms off. I quickly walk back to class. As I am walking back to my desk, Courtney trips me and then laughs more. I get up and sit at my desk not looking at anyone, "Everything ok? It took you a while to get back." Damian whispers."Yes my future alpha stopped me to ask why I wasn't in class."I reply quickly and quietly. Ali, I think he actually cares about everyone's well-being, including yours Rose said cautiously. "Whatever Rose, I am not worth anyone's time. Now please leave me alone for a while." I snapped back. Rose got quiet really quick, but I could tell she was upset with me. However, I really just wanted to everyone to leave me alone for a while.

*Damian's POV*

      "I wonder why Aleia is so upset. I feel protective of her, but I don't sense the mate bond. Do you Shadow?" I ask my lycan. He responds, No I don't but I definitely sense something. We must talk to Levi about her. "Yes. Definitely. He is close to her." I replied.

*James' POV*

      Walking through the hallway, after using the restroom, I smell apples and cinnamon. It's super intoxicating, it reminds me of the comfort of fall. I decide to look for the person who is smelling so delicious. I turn the corner and I see none other than Aleia Michaels. Suddenly I get upset. I know I will be rejecting her as soon as she turns 18 and sees I am her mate. Boy, don't be stupid. The Moon Goddess chose her for you, my wolf, Blaze, says. I can tell he is upset with me, but I don't care. "Stupid mutt, she isn't Luna worthy. Besides, she isn't even attractive. She isn't of alpha blood." I angrily reply. Blaze is now annoyed because I called him a mutt, You want to throw away the precious gift the Goddess picked for you then you are more stupid than I thought. He cuts off communication, but I don't care. 

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