apologies - author note

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      I do apologize for the awful upload timing. I have been off and on feeling like crap on top of being overly exhausted. I had to take my kids to get shots today. I have had a few issues handling my anxiety and depression due to not feeling rested for over a month; no matter how much I sleep or don't sleep. And if I don't feel good or don't feel rested it's really hard to concentrate/focus and get out what I am trying to write and it make sense. Again I do apologize. I am trying to also get the girls ready for school. They will be doing EPIC schooling at home. But I do still need to get everything settled.  Kids are going to my parents house for a week next week so hopefully I can get some good sleep in and finally feel rested. I promise I am not abandoning the book and I will finish it. 

Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding.

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