Chapter 2

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*Aleia's POV*

      I get home from an awful day at school and get my clothes in the hamper to be washed and I pick out another set of clothes for at the school and put it in my bag. I wonder why Alpha James was so upset with us today. He is normally indifferent and at least polite, Rose finally said. "I'm not sure it is weird isn't it." I replied. I start getting the list together that mom asked me to do for my birthday. I get back downstairs and I see mom cooking dinner. "Hey sweetie, how was your day?" she asks. I told her everything that happened, but I did leave out how Damian watched me during training. I even told her what Devon said. She thinks for a moment, "Well honey, maybe he just doesn't want you to get hurt. Just make sure when you find your mate to let him down easily as it does sound like he likes you." she responded. Just then dad walked in with Alpha David Kurt. "Hello Mary. Your husband and I were just talking about potential upgrades for the pack. The nurse's area was one of those upgrades and thought we could talk about it over dinner." Alpha says. She looks at dad, "Is that so John? Alpha are you sure he didn't bring it up to you?" mom replies curiously. Dad just looked at her oblivious to what she was saying. The Alpha laughed, "He may have, but I was already thinking about it and since you the head nurse I would like your input." said the Alpha. Dinner was full of conversations about what mom would like updated for the nurses, both for the school and the pack hospital. I just ate quietly. When I was finished, "Mom, dad, Alpha Kurt may I be excused to leave the table?" I asked. They all notice I am finished. "Yes sweetheart. You are excused. Let's finish our conversation about earlier later?" mom replies. The alpha and dad both looked me questioningly, "Yes mother. Whenever you are finished." I quickly turn and walk towards my room before anyone could ask me what mom and I were talking about. I sincerely hope they don't ask her. I know she won't tell them but since Alpha Kurt is the principal and dad is the trainer, I hoped they wouldn't ask about it later. A couple of hours later mom comes up and we finish that conversation.

*Around two months later*

      I woke up before my alarm today. Rose seems extra excited today. "Rose why are you so happy today?" I ask. We can meet our mate today! Why wouldn't I be excited, Rose says excitedly. That's true I turn 18 today. Begrudgingly I get dressed. I opt for a super cute red and gold sundress. I wear my hear down and in curls with light makeup. You should wear the red lipstick, Rose Commented. I sigh, "Fine I add just enough to make my lips pop just a little. Is that better Rose?" Yes, she responds happily. Alright, I finish getting ready for today. I am kind of nervous yet excited to potentially meet my mate.
      As I get to school Rose starts bouncing around excitedly. I just kind of tune her out. I get there and I start to smell a blend of peppermint and honey. It smells amazing. I follow it and find none other than the soon to be Alpha James. He looks at me and I smile at him "mate" Rose and I say together. He walks over to me. I get happy expecting him to kiss me but all he does is pull me to the side, "I, Future Alpha James Kurt, reject you Beta Aleia Michaels as my mate." "I, Beta Aleia Michaels, accept your rejection and in turn, I also reject you Future Alpha James Kurt." I say stunned. "I accept your rejection." he replies. He just turns and walks away like nothing ever happened. All while I am feeling like I can't breathe. Rose is whimpering in pain. I just run back to my truck so I can cry. I skip training and I get a mind-link from my dad, "Aleia, here the hell are you? Training started 5 minutes ago". Crying, "I found my mate. He rejected me." I respond. I immediately start sobbing through the mind link. "Where are you?" he reponds urgently. "I am in my truck." I respond back. Dad and Levi came over to check on me. "I mind-linked the Alpha and let him know I needed training covered. So, he replaced me for a little while." dad says. He just hugs me as I sob. Levi is just rubbing my back. Next thing I know, Damian is walking towards my truck. *I will add it is rare second-chance mates find each other the same day one is rejected* He stiffens. And it looks like he is mind-linking Levi. Levi whispers something to dad and then they both move so Damian can talk to me. The most amazing smell hits me and Rose perks up and yips happily. Once I smell the bonfire smell mixed with the smell of rain I immediately calmed down.

*Damian's POV*

      I notice that Aleia isn't here for training. Then I notice Beta Michaels say something to Levi and they take off. I wait a bit, "May I go check on my Beta? He left in a hurry." I ask. "Yes you may." responds Alpha Kurt. So, I take off walking in the direction they went. I get about 20 feet away from them and I suddenly get hit with the smell of vanilla and caramel. I notice Levi and Beta Michaels consoling Aleia. Shadow starts getting angry. Why the hell is mate crying, Shadow demands. Wait... "Shadow I thought you said she wasn't our mate?"I ask confused. She didn't smell like mate before, he responded angrily. I immediately mind-link Levi, "Levi, why is Aleia crying?". "She found her mate today and he rejected her." Levi quickly reposnds. "Who the fuck was it?" I ask. "I don't know she hasn't said, she has just been crying." he quickly said. "I need to talk to her." I respond as calmly as I can. "Umm, ok. But Alpha, I am curious as to why?" Levi says confused. "I believe I am her second-chance mate."  I say. The mind-link is cut, he nods and whispers to Beta Michaels. They both move so I can talk to her.

* Aleia's POV*

      I look into Damian's eyes "Mate." both of us, my wolf, and his lycan say. The next thing I know I am having to calm him down because his lycan is trying to come to the surface. I finally get him calmed down, "Why are you so angry? Are you going to reject me too?" I ask. He quickly hugs me and continue to hold me, "No sweetheart, I am not going to reject you. I am angry because you have been crying because someone hurt you!" His voice starts to sound angry again. My dad is just staring in disbelief that I found my second-chance mate the same day I was rejected. "Aleia... Who rejected you?" Levi cautiously asks. Damian growls at the question. "Well, I am not sure I should say. I am not sure what Alpha Damian is going to do. I don't want bloodshed." I reply. "Aleia, my sweetheart. There is no need to call me Alpha. I am your mate now." Damian quickly says. He kisses the top of my head and holds me tight. "I promise you I won't kill him. Just give him a good punch or two." he promises. "It was future Alpha James Kurt... He rejected me as soon as he saw me this morning."I hesitantly respond.  A growl is heard coming from all three. "Ok honey, just go to your next class. I will explain to Alpha Kurt why you three aren't coming back with me. And yes, before you say anything I will leave the part about his son out." dad says. Knowing I don't want to cause a spectacle. He starts back up, "However, I can't guarantee he won't want to talk to you about it though." I nod. "You two stay here. Levi, protect your future Luna. He tries to come anywhere near her, you let me know." Damian says. Levi nods. "Where are you going?" I ask. "Sweetheart, I am going to rearrange my classes with yours and if I can't be in them, I am going to make sure Levi is." We both nod. He smiles and then starts off towards the school. Levi laughs, "So, are we going to stay friends while you are my Luna?" I giggle, "Of course Levi! We will always be friends. Damian can just deal with it!"
      About 5 minutes before the bell rings for the next class we see Damian coming this way. He has a smile on his face, "So sweetheart, I was actually able to get us both moved into your classes so in case one of us isn't there the other is. Now let's go to class darling." I blush. Both Levi and Damian laugh. We walk into the building and we see James making out with some random chick. Damian growls and Levi walks protectively over me. James sees us and laughs "Hey Aleia, can't even walk into school without someone because of the rejection? So pitiful. I am glad I rejected you. You are so pathetic!" he says boastfully. Just as he finishes Damian punches him in the face as hard as he can. Full of rage, "DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANOTHER FOUL THING ABOUT MY MATE YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" Damian says angrily. "Your mate? Dude, how can you say that? I knew we were mates on the first day of school. There is no way in hell..." Damian punches him in the face again, "We found ourselves as mates after your sorry ass rejected her." James finally keeps his mouth shut because he noticed his dad standing in the hallway and smirks. "Hello Alpha Kurt." Damian says. "What in the hell is going on here. Alpha Damian you know we don't allow fighting." Alpha Kurt says. James is just grinning big as day until Levi pipes up, "Alpha Kurt, I am sorry to butt in. I just want to say that Damian was just punching James because he was being, excuse my language sir, an ass to Aleia. He rejected her this morning after knowing they were mates since the first day of school and Damian and Aleia found out they were mates after the rejection, and James continued even after knowing she is now Damian's mate." Alpha Kurt looks at his son, "Is this true James?" James looks around, "Yes sir. I rejected her because she isn't Luna worthy." he says matter of factly. Alpha Kurt just shakes his head and walks away. The rest of us get to class just as the bell rings.
      As we walk into class the group just stares as Levi, Damian, and I walk in. Courtney also sees this and decides to grab Damian, "Hey baby, come sit with me and not this worthless piece of shit." Damian looks at her, "You disrespect my mate one more time and I have nothing against hitting you for it." he responds. Shocked she walks back to her table and just gives me the death glare. This goes noticed by Damian, "Keep it up bimbo, you are just asking for it at this point." She quickly jerks her head forward. We sit down and I get some pretty intense questioning looks from Leah, Kylie, and Cheyenne. However, Devon looks pissed. "I will explain at lunch." I mouthed.
      We get to the lunch period and we all have our food. Everyone is sitting and patiently waiting for me to explain. "Let's wait for Devon to get here and I will explain." I say."He isn't coming. Something about needing to be away from everyone. He seemed pretty upset." Leah responds. I go on to explain every last detail from the beginning of the day when I got to school. It's quiet for all of about two minutes before everyone starts in at the same time asking so many questions I can't keep up. I laugh, "Chill out guys. One at a time." Just then Devon walks up, "I need to speak to you. Alone." He says the last word while glaring at Damian. I get up and follow him to the hall after reassuring Levi and Damian I would be ok. Devon is very pissed off, "Why didn't you stay away from him Aleia? Everything would have been so much easier if you had just stayed away from him." he asks. I was caught off guard. "What do you mean it would be easier? What would be easier? Also, why are you so upset?" I ask. "Did you seriously not know that I am in love with you?" he asks dumbfounded. Before I could answer I felt a pain at the back of my head and then saw nothing but blackness. 

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