Chapter 7

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 We walk in and I ask the guards if they have eaten yet today. "No Luna, they are scheduled for a meal in an hour." The taller one said. "Will you please go ahead and get them their food?" I ask them. "You both can go and get their food. One will Devon's and the other will grab Courtney's" They both nod and leave. "We have a simple question. Tell me what object or objects you see." I say with determination. Before we know it, Courtney and Devon both say they see the book. I look at Josiah as I am now thoroughly confused. "It is hard to see it. It almost looks like a shadow but it's definitely a book." Courtney said. "I see an old book plain as day." He says looking at Courtney oddly. "Have either one of you heard of fae?" Josiah asked them. Courtney got suspiciously quiet and backed herself against the wall. "I have, in class. They are a myth or a legend depending on which scholar you read." Devon said. "Were you adopted?" Josiah asked him. "I was, not that's any of your business." Devon said with an attitude. "Do you know who your biological parents are?" Josiah asked ignoring Devon being hateful. "I don't. Now what in the hell does that have to do with anything?" Devon asks while anger is rolling off him in waves. "I'll get back to you. Courtney, you are awfully quiet. What do you know about the fae?" Josiah asks her with a raised brow. "I'm not telling you shit." Devon is now also staring at her, very confused. Josiah looks questioningly at the witches. They all seem to know what he is wanting to do and they all nod. "Luna, once they have her immobile, I would like to examine her the way you did the items upstairs. Look for it. This will be harder than the items because she has life within her whereas inanimate objects do not." I nod. "Can I keep her quiet?" Kylie asks with enthusiasm. "No, we need her to talk." Josiah said while shaking his head.
      When they got her immobile, I went into the cell. The two warriors who went to grab the food come back in and Damian mind-links them, I assume to stay quiet because they did say a word. I take about 5 minutes trying to get a sense of any fae magic emitting from Courtney. As soon as I touch her, I start getting hot, my breathing is labored, Rose is getting antsy, I am starting to feel my sexual senses heighten... I look at Josiah as for a clue of what's going on. I notice Levi's eyes go dark and Damian's eyes are dark too, but he throws Levi against the wall. I hear Courtney laughing so I turn back to her. "So, it is true... My mother thought you might have the wolf of the Moon Goddess' daughter. By the way I ham half fae and half werewolf. My fae never came through only my wolf so my mom made me promise not to tell anyone including my dad." Courtney then starts to laugh hysterically. "What did you do to me?" I ask her panting at this point. I do notice Josiah's eyes have darkened but not near as much as Levi and Damian. "This was supposed to be used on Damian when he came to school to threaten me for saying he marked me when he didn't and as soon as he touched me it was going to make his wolf crazy with lust and take me. As long as you hadn't marked him yet. And with you wanting to 'take it slow' I knew my chance was high. With you being the one to touch me it induced your heat prematurely. So, if you don't want to be taken by someone other than Damian you better hurry." She then starts laughing even harder. "Alpha, take her and go! I can handle Levi for the time being!" Josiah practically yells at Damian. Josiah takes Levi by the throat and Damian scoops me up and runs us towards his room. His touch feels amplified. The sexual energy is becoming unbearable for us both. He gets us to his room and put me down. "Aleia, would you have let me do this even if you weren't in heat?" He asks me. "Yes, I was planning to talk to you about doing this after we figured out what is going on with me. So, a little sooner is fine."

(I will let your imagination run wild until I can get this written down. My mind is on a mission, and I don't want to get distracted by the main story. I will however edit and republish when I get this written.)

      When we get done and take a nap because it was amazing and wore us out. Damian mind-links Josaih to come see if it wore off now that I am wearing his mark. Josiah walks up and smiles. "You are good." He tells me. "So, how is it you and Damian were able to stay composed but not Levi?" I ask. "Well, Luna, I am mated, and Damian is your mate since you hadn't marked each other his lust was the same but just brought forward. Levi is unmated and hasn't found his mate either. Now if this was a regular heat Levi could have resisted just like us it would have been severely uncomfortable as his loyalty to his Alpha is strong. It also would have been easier since he is also a Beta. Now we didn't do anything after you left other than remove her mobility which will be put back on when we get down there. I would assume you have more questions?" I just nod and start off towards the dungeon. On the way down we were talking about what they said earlier, and I decided we needed to talk to Devon first, alone. "Ok, I mind-linked a guard and had them move Devon away from Courtney." Damians tells me. "Ok... Let's do this then." I respond.

*Damian's POV*

      As we are walking into the dungeon, I block Shadow from talking to me as I don't need him doing nothing but tell me to kill him for hurting our mate. I need answers. We get to where Devon is and he physically looks like he is about to freak out. "Devon, how did you get all of them to work with/for you?" I ask. "I just asked them. I told them I wanted to be Aleia's mate. Brandy said she could do that and would bring her friend's sister Melissa who knew more and was higher ranked. How she got Melissa to help us I have no idea. The vampires I asked to help are known to like chaos." He shifts just enough for to know he is nervous is either lying or holding things back. Out of nowhere Aleia punches him in the face and I have to pull her off. "He is lying. His heartrate is all over the place between being calm and not being calm and his eyes aren't showing the emotion he would be if he was actually scared." Aleia tells me. "Baby, I know." turning back to Devon "I will ask you again. How did you get them all to work with/for you? Now don't lie or hold anything back again." I say. Shadow is trying to come forward but I know he will kill him before we get any answers. He just looks as me dumbfounded. "I can let Aleia kill you if you'd prefer. She told me herself she wants to be the one to end you." I turn to look at Aleia and I notice both her and Rose are at the front together and have a murderous rage look in their eyes. Devon notices it too and he actually looks scared now. Yet his demeanor changes when he starts talking "Fine, Brandy was all for it. Once Melissa figured out who I wanted I had to threaten her." He laughs at this. "The vampires do like chaos so other than letting them do just that, all I did was ask them. I have noticed there is something about me and that I wasn't an ordinary human. I have no idea what. Since I still think the fae don't exist. I have loved Aleia since I first met her. She should be mine. I was just trying to make it happen. None of you pompous Alpha's wanted to talk to anyone outside your circle." Devon says then spits on the ground at my feet.
      "If we are going there... How can you justify kidnapping Aleia when you claim to love her and want her as your mate?" I callously ask Devon. "Better yet, why don't you tell me everything you're hiding before she just ends it all for you." As I motion to Aleia. "Damian, I have to leave here for the moment before I just kill him. Let me know what he says or when it's time for me to kill him. I want him out of my life." Aleia says to me. Before I can answer she just walks away.

*Aleia's POV*

      "Rose, how can he just listen to his lies so calmly?" I am not sure. But I think he is staying calm so he can get everything he needs. *sigh* "Hey Aleia! How is it going down there?" Cheyenne asks me. "Like hell in a handbasket. But seriously Devon is keeping something from us with me down there at least. I hope me leaving will help Damian to... coerce... him in a way. Personally, I hope it's violent." I tell her. "Ok, Aleia, I love you and so does Kylie and Leah. We understand you are upset but this? I mean this is so not you. It's violent and not reserved. I know you have had issues with people walking all over you, but you really don't need to overcompensate. Don't you feel it's enough that he is in the dungeon being undoubtedly tortured by Damian. Which sounds kinda hot." I growl at her. "Hey... I know he is yours and I won't go after him. But think about it. Damian is going to need to release the tension from him not killing Devon where he stands." She says to me while raising her eyebrows. "Fine! You make a fair point. I am going to take a nap. Could you find Levi and have him let Damian know where I am if I don't respond to his mind-link?" I ask her. "Sure can! Have a good rest."

*Damian's POV*

      "Hey Cheyenne want me to tell you that Aleia is going to take a nap." Levi mind-links me. "Ok, thank you!" I respond back. "Now Devon... Should I continue beating you or will you finally talk?" I ask honestly because I had been beating him the last 7 minutes or so. "If I tell you everything then what's to stop you from killing me?" I just laugh at him. "Look you are going to die no matter what. If I kill you, it will be long and drawn out. However, if Aleia kills you then I am sure it may be painful but quick. She is more likely to give you mercy than I will." He scoffs at me. "Fine." He pauses. "Only because I want Aleia to be the last one to touch me." He says as he gets a big grin on his face. Dude, let me kill him already! Shadow says to me. "No, Aleia wished it unless she backs down it will be her. However, she won't have to touch him physically. He can be restrained, and she can take a sword to him." Fair point. I do however want to be at the front in case she changes her mind last minute. I have issues with this asshole kidnapping and killing our mate. "I will grant you that." He looks like he is contemplating what he is going to tell me.
      "So, I have heard a rumor that my great-great-great grandfather was a fairy. My family thought he was nuts, because he only started spouting this craziness when he got Alzheimer's. No one in my family believed him. I then heard a story about him that had the fact he was a fae prince who just up and left him family and royal line because he fell in love with a female human. So, I did some digging and found people who claimed to be fae and wanted me to be their king because I am one of the last of the royal fae. But in order for me to become king I needed a mate, they call theirs that too, and I could take a chosen mate but if I did that, they would need to be supernatural. They couldn't be a human. They have a leader but since he isn't of royal blood there have been rebellions apparently. Mind you all of this is hearsay. And I don't know more than that." I think about what he has said. I look in his eyes and also listen to his heart rate. He seems to be telling the truth. "If this checks out your fate will be handled by Aleia unless she changes her mind." I turn around and walk out. "Put him back in his cell and feed him. I will be back later to talk to Courtney. Also relay the message to who takes the next post." I tell the guards. "Shadow lets go lay with our mate." He just wags his tail. 

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