Chapter 11

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       About an hour before we have to be ready to go see the Queen, we had to be taught how to treat her. Because she is a royal, we had to be told a lot of things. Luckily, it was the same as lycan's and werewolves with how we treat Alpha's. Just, instead of Alpha/Luna it's King/Queen. We were told her name is Queen Franziska Aigner. We are to call her Queen Aigner unless otherwise specified. We finish getting ready and make sure we have the documentation and everything on Courtney and Devon.

      It is time to meet the witch that will be transporting us to and from the fae Queen. "Hello. My name is Analise Schade, but you may call me Ana. I am here to transport you to Queen Aigner." A voice says coming from behind us. We turn around and see a young witch standing there in a blue and black dress with a weird flower on it. "Hello. My name is Aleia, and this is Damian. I must add, I love your dress." I say to her. "Thank you, the dress is called a dirndl and the flower is an edelweiss." She responds with a smile. "Ana, where are you from, if it's alright for me to ask?" Damian asks her. "Well, we have German ancestry and try to embrace all aspects of it. However, we live in a remote forested area with some mountains here in the states. Even though we speak German fluently we will be speaking English, so it is easier for you." She turns to me. "If you would like we could find a dirndl for you." She says. "I would absolutely love that!" I reply. We step through the portal Ana made. We come across a beautiful castle. It has beautiful crocuses everywhere and a small area that was somewhat rocky with white flowers that looked similar to the ones on Ana's dirndl. "Are those edelweiss? Like the ones on your dress?" I ask her. "Yes, they are." Ana pauses and looks down. "They remind us of home." Ana says with a sad look on her face. "The Queen is expecting you. We best hurry." Ana says to the both of us. Ana turns and begins walking inside the castle.

      It looked amazing on the outside. Well, that pales in comparison to the inside. It has two staircases, one on each side of the foyer, that lead to a single spot in the middle that connects to the second floor. There is a room on the far side ahead of us, that from here looks like a breakfast room or a tearoom. There are two room on either side of us but, they have doors and those are shut. The staircase's railing looks like it could be made of cast iron and looks more like a very intricate and detailed fencing. Before I can take in anymore... "Right this way please." A gentleman says, as he walks towards us from the tearoom. He heads to the right side of the room and opens the door. He motions us to go in. "The Queen will be with you in a moment. Would you like any tea?" He asks nonchalantly. "Yes please, for both of us." Damian answers. The gentleman nods and makes his way out. He shuts the door behind him. A few moments later a woman comes in. She looks less regal than we expected. She was still looked regal. We just expected something more like a Queen with a crown and such and she looked very much like a Luna at her ceremony. She wore a lilac-colored, floor length dress. It was strapless with some silver sequins at the top and had a lacy layer at the top. It was absolutely beautiful on her. Her strawberry blonde hair was about to the bottom of her shoulder blades. She had it in a beautiful half updo. The side that was down was curled and she had a silver barrette that had an edelweiss made from diamonds. It was clipped on to the side that was up. I suspect that is what was holding her hair up. "Alpha Burkhardt and Luna Michaels. It is wonderful to have you here." She said with grace. "Queen Aigner, it is a pleasure to be here." I replied. "Oh please, call me Franziska or Fran. No need for formalities now that we have been properly introduced." She said with a smile. "I have heard you have my great-great-great grandson is in your custody." She says with finality. "Yes ma'am. He said he was told his great-great-grandfather was fae. That he was the last royal blood, and he needed a mate to take the throne." I state. "He is there because he had kidnapped Aleia to use magic, by way of a potion, to make them mates after we already had each other. We were able to help her escape by way of a witch named Melissa and her assistant Annalise. Annalise is human so we took them both in and they are now a part of our pack. We had them start working in the pack hospital as receptionists at first. We plan to move them to more prominent things as they did what they could to help me get Aleia back." Damian said. The Queen is quiet for a bit. We notice the gentleman from earlier is just standing in the doorway. "Nathan, you may set the tea down and rest for the evening." She told him. After he set the tea down, he walked out of the room not saying anything. She walked over to a cupboard and grabbed a small bowl with a spoon and then to a small fridge and grabbed some milk. "Any milk or sugar?" She asked the both of us. "The tea is quite strong and tastes rather good with both." She said sincerely. "Yes please. However you make yours will be fine." I reply and Damian nods holding on to me.

      "About Devin..." Damian starts to say. "He rightfully needs to be punished if what you said is true. We think of mates, or as we just call them soulmates, as a blessing given to us. Also, who told him he needed a soulmate to take the throne?" She asks with a demanding tone. "That he did not say. Just that his great-great-great grandfather went nuts and that he fell in love with a human." I honestly say. After hearing that the Queen looked like she was about to blow a gasket. "That man was not insane, crazy or anything else. He was a mean and loved to drink. One day he was caught cheating and he was banished from here and I took over running the kingdom. He did cheat on me with a human. He claimed she was his soulmate. There could have been an amicable parting and I would have stepped down and let his soulmate take my place at the throne, if only he had communicated with me. But instead, he was caught cheating and since he didn't tell anyone it was punishable since I was his chosen Queen. I know that may seem harsh since she was his soulmate but, since he was caught, he lost the right to the throne. I was going to allow Devon to become a Prince and eventually King since I believed he should, being an heir. However, with this information the reign should be passed to a new reigning family as I have none other than him to hand it too. He is the only male that is a direct descendant, and I don't remember anything about him having siblings." Franziska said with pure lividity. "We will bring him here for punishment if you desire. I know Aleia wanted a piece of him, but we also understand you may want to deal with it since you are technically his Queen." Damian said confidently. "Maybe he can be rehabilitated or something but if he does come here, he will be banned from ever stepping foot on our land." I add. "That sounds perfectly reasonable. However, I would like to come back with you and speak with him, if that's ok?" Franziska asks. "That is fine with me." I tell her and look at Damian. He smiles. "It is also fine with me." Damian says. "Great!" Franziska says while clapping her hands together once. "Nathan, we are going to make a trip to the Alpha and Luna's pack. Analise, I need you to stay here and keep watch for me." Both Nathan and Analise appear. "Yes ma'am!" They both say. "Give me about 15 minutes and we can head there. It's been forever since I left here. Also, too long if you ask me." She says with excitement. She is ready and packed after about 10 minutes. She looks a lot more normal and wasn't wearing formal wear anymore. "Let's go have a chat with Devon. Maybe also see some sights." Franziska says with a smile.
      Queen Franziska made a portal and we all walked through. Not long after we walked through... "I mind-linked Levi and asked him to let Devon know the Queen of the Fae is here. Whether we go to him immediately or make him stew is up to you, Queen Aigner." Damian said. "Now... What did I tell you about that. Call me Franziska or Fran." Franziska says. None of it sounds like a question, more of a warning. "I know." Damian says while laughing, "However, if we get caught calling you by your first name with our Elder Josiah... Me being Alpha and Aleia being Luna won't mean much." I giggle a bit. "Elder Josiah, could you come meet us and Queen Franziska Aigner? We are in the courtyard in front of the pack house." I mink-link. "Yes Luna. I will be right there." He links back. "It has been solved. He is on his way here to meet us." I say while smiling while trying not to laugh. Damian looks at me curiously and cautiously. "Alpha. Luna." Josiah says as he walks up. "Elder Josiah McBride, this is Queen Franziska Aigner. Queen Franziska Aigner, this is Elder Josiah McBride." I say with a smile when I see Franziska is blushing. "As I have told these two. Please call me Franziska or Fran." She says, mostly to him than us. "Josiah, is everything ok?" Damian asks. "Mate." Josiah simply says. 

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