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"Right, we'll be back Sunday morning and I don't wanna here nothing about it, okay?" Vivian told us as she packed the last of her suitcase.

Will grumbled and nodded his head. I nudged him for being rude. "That's fine, hopefully the house is still standing when you lot get back though," I joked.

"Geoffrey will have fun keeping you two in line, won't he?" Aunt Viv laughed as she did the zip up. I didn't know whether to be proud or offended.

"The party is at 6 so you two get ready. Remember, it's a formal dress code," she said sternly looking at my jordans that seemed to never leave my feet. I sighed loudly and trudged to my room as Will laughed at my dramatic-ness. (dunno if that's a word but who cares lmao)


Two hours later, my hair was nice and curly, I wore my red dress from before and red heels to match it. Will had a bag with him to take home 'free' food so I stuffed my jordans in there to later change.

I wore a little amount of makeup with just mascara and eyeliner with highlighter in my inner corners and nose. I hadn't had a breakout in a while so I didn't need concealer or foundation.

As I admired my outfit, there was a loud three bangs at my door.
"What do you want? Bit aggressive nah?" I said before opening the door and Will walked in and flopped face first onto my bed.
"Careful with the knocking, I've got PTSD," I joked referring to when I got arrested. Will gave me a "are you seriously joking about that" look before turning his head back into my pillow.

"Why are you in here?" I asked laughing at his star fish position.
"We're leaving but I don't wanna go yet."
"Too bad," I said grabbing his arm and leading him out the room.


We sat side by side in the car and to say it was cramped was an understatement. I was in the back on the left, next to the window. Will was in the middle and Carlton on his right. Hillary might be meeting us there later but she hadn't decided yet. Ashley was staying home with G.

I was falling asleep and nodded off a few times before shaking awake and trying to keep my eyes open. The night hadn't even started yet. My sleeping schedule was fucked.

After shaking awake for about the fifth time, Will guided my head to his shoulder and just as I was about to fall into one of them good sleeps, Carlton spoke up.
"Oh, young love at its finest!" he said almost sarcastically.
I stuck the middle finger up at him which turned out to be my pointing finger as I was still half asleep. Will laughed and fixed it for me and I held it up to him again. Carlton rolled his eyes before looking back out the window. Someone was a bit salty tonight.

What felt like thirty seconds turned out to be thirty minutes as Will woke me up to tell me we were here. It was valet parking so Uncle Phil had already gave the man the keys as we quickly hopped out, letting him drive off.

I stood looking in awe at the place we were at. It looked like the outside of a hotel. There were two great big stone pillars either side of the two big glass doors that had steps leading up to them. This looked like a better party than the ones thrown in Philly, that's for sure.

Me and Will stood outside for a bit, not quite ready to actually socialise with rich old white people but realised we would have to go in sooner rather than later. Now that Viv was gone, I had changed into my jordans and we headed inside together.


Mr Furth was the host of the party. He was taking a big group of people to palm springs which was why Aunt Viv was packing her suitcase this morning. He was having some party before he left because... I don't even know. Probably had too much money and didn't know what to do with it.

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