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Alison's mother screamed. She and the police gasped as they saw Tiger and Alison sprawled out on the carpet of her daughter's bedroom floor; Alison now having a clean line down her arm and a knife appeared next to her on the carpet.

Alison's mom cried. "I... I swear this wasn't here before. I swear." she sobbed.

The police sighed. "You said her heart was still beating?" The policeman went over and checked Alison's heart. Her pink short-sleeve shirt downed in her blood. He lifted up her shirt, and a clean line again, appeared deep on her chest.

Her heart was still beating though.

The policeman stood up, and said, "Another suicide it looks like."

"No... my baby would never..." The mother sobbed tears. The policeman hugged her. "It'll be all right," he said.

The mother cried. "Ali! My poor..." She sniffled. "N-No... But her heart's..."

Her brown hair swayed.

The policeman started crying a little too. "We'll take her to the hospital, miss,"

"And what? She's already dead, for hell's sake!"

The policeman winced.

The mom wiped her tears. "S-Sorry..."

The policeman nodded, then calling an ambulance to pick them up.


"Doors Led To Your Nightmares" (Original Short Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora