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(Y/n) = Your name. 

(h/c) = Hair color. 
(e/c) = Eye color. 


RAIN POURED HEAVILY, drops of water beating against the ground. It was a wild storm, but what was surprising what that a small girl with (h/c) hair walked along the pathways of Izumo without rest or care. Bandages were noticeable all over her, from her neck to her arms and back. The clothing she wore was three-sizes-too-big, and her (e/c) eyes were half lidded and held a tired but determined expression. 

She stopped walking when the sound of footsteps filled her hearing, turning around cautiously as if she were expecting an enemy. "I thought that it was time," A voice sounded The girl turned around, (e/c) eyes scanning. A cat. A yellow cat with two tails, standing like a human would. The cat wore a black cloak, with green clothing visible beneath it. 

The colors hovering about the cat were that of safety, humility, and many more emotions. 

"I'm not going to hurt you. Could you tell me your name?" He asked, showing his hands as if to show that he held no weapons. The winds downed slightly, and the girl's soft, yet somewhat curious-toned voice could be heard. She felt somewhat safe there. She saw it and felt it, the colors of a kind soul. 

"(Y/n).. What's your name?" She tilted her head slightly in curiosity. "Are you a Goryoushin and a Nekomata?" 

The spirit let out a small laugh, holding his pipe between his fingers. "Why, yes. You're as sharp as ever, (Y/n)-san. Now, for my name - My name is Matamune, I've been waiting for you. I am your humble servant, as you are the Kyokan Onmyoji," He said in a calm tone. 

"Matamune..?" (Y/n)'s voice suddenly grew quiet. "I remember someone named Matamune." 

'I made a mistake in allowing (Y/n)-san to see the darkness in my soul, because she began to drown in it, too. I must not let her drown again.' 

"That is I, (Y/n)-san. Your humble servant, Matamune." 

(Y/n) felt relieved upon seeing another familiar face. Familiar colors. She did not notice the small tears welling up in her eyes as a shaky, small smile perched itself on her lips. 

Matamune approached the small girl and enveloped her in a tender embrace. She was very small so it was quite easy for a Nekomata like he to embrace her. 

"What happened to Hao?" (Y/n) asked. 

Matamune was silent for a moment. "He will return this century. You must be prepared, (Y/n)-san. I will be supporting you with all that I have until and after then." 

(Y/n)'s face was questioning. 

"Forgive me, you aren't truly able to understand yet at this age. But I do promise that I will be there for you, no matter what, no matter where, and no matter when. You might not always see me, but I will be also thinking of your wellbeing," Matamune smiled softly. "Now, let us be going inside. You must be awfully tired. You may get badly sick, too." 

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