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Never gonna give you up... Never gonna let you down... Never gonna run around and desert you..

Hello! This is a special for all of you readers. Guess what it is? *drum roll* Character stuff and random notes! Plus a lil reveal on (Y/n)'s personality, and more. She will be almost the same in the rewrite, and I spent like a week thinking of what to do for a special. So here you go!













Name: (Y/n) Asakura

Aliases: (Y/n) (L/n) [formerly], Happa [ by Hao], Imouto [by Yoh], Mistress [ by Kotone, formerly], Reverse Trap [ by Ren ], Yang [by Ren], Mi [by Kotone], Beautiful Mistake [ by Hao ]

File Name: :D/58:6.glitch

Affiliations: Asakura Clan [adopted], (L/n) Clan [biologically], Great Spirit [formerly]

Age: [currently] 12-13 years old. [second] 19-21 years old. [first] 6-7 years old. [future] 15-16 years old. [ further future ] 20


An empathetic individual by nature, (Y/n) likes to help others in any way that she can without breaking promises. Influenced by Yoh, she doesn't see the point of worrying about things that she can't control. (Y/n) is somewhat of a trickster, dressing like a boy only to shock others later on. She also has a lack of slang knowledge, which often results in others getting flustered.

She is heavily influenced by the people around her during her childhood, and picking up on Yoh's positive and friendly emotions allowed her to bear with everything. Yoh sees her as someone who wants to be accepted and loved by a loving family, and thinks that she would try her hardest to earn it.

As a fighter, (Y/n) is a fast thinker who makes a point to only hurt her opponent as much as necessary, no matter who it is.

She constantly shifts between acting like a ditzy schoolgirl and an intelligent combatant.

(Y/n) presents herself as a childish, cheerful, confident and energetic girl at first, hiding under the facade of someone who is, in her standards, "normal". 

This part of her fades the more time she spends with Yoh, someone who swore to stay true to himself. Similarly to Hao, (Y/n) may have been mostly shaped by the circumstances of her life, and the experiences of her previous lives. As someone who witnessed corruption, execution, and death at first hand, seeing the people she loves being even close to witnessing or experiencing these things is a trigger to her.

Despite her kind and sweet nature, (Y/n) also has a rageful, merciless side to her as the result of all the negative emotions she receives daily as an Empath, much in the way that Anna was anxious and reclusive due to her telepathic abilities. 

This side of (Y/n) very rarely reveals itself, as she constantly suppresses it. Similar to how these negative emotions caused Hao and Anna to create demons, (Y/n) creates fuel for her Oversouls for a less damaging aftermath.

One of the very few occasions where she has shown rage was when Tao Ren was stabbed by Peyote Diaz. (Y/n)'s rage reached the point to where her eyes changed color and she attempted the kill the offender after she could no longer feel Ren's aura.

When Horohoro attempted to calm her down with a number of reasons, (Y/n) coldly cut down his logic with the facts that Ren's lungs were damaged and that his spine was split, as confirmed by Faust not long later.

In such a state, (Y/n) ignores everything that doesn't have anything to do with her hurt loved one and the offender. She understands that Ren let himself die on purpose in attempts to atone, however she doesn't want that. While it was Mi that drove her to attempt to kill Yoh, Horohoro, Joco and Jeanne when it seemed that they were going to take Ren away from her, it was (Y/n) who redirected her own attack so that none of them would get hurt.

The angry side of (Y/n) was formed due to the burning anger and frustration that Mi had developed upon watching humanity go to crud after all her efforts. While she may seem annoying at times, (Y/n) may be likened to a normal girl who just wants to make things right.

As she develops and ages, (Y/n) begins to show more of her real personality without any more restraint.

Random Notes:

- Hao is a sort of "administrator" in the universe as he has access to most files and shortcuts

- (Y/n) is a fusion of the previous Shaman King and Hao's childhood friend. While both souls have the name " (Y/n) ", they are both totally different characters and personalities, however, they all share the same abilities, Furyoku value, and goal.

- The reason that she's so drawn to Yoh other than the fact that he's Yoh is that he resembles what Hao could have been if he had just chilled down. (Y/n) giving him all the love that she can't give Hao because he's an enemy now.

- (Y/n) would be likely to confess to Ren after his resurrection, due to the haunting fear that he will go away again. Though, if she manages to stabilize her condition a bit more, Ren may be the first to confess later on.

- It was originally planned that (Y/n) was the suicidal, homicidal, psychopath villain yandere, however that idea was removed.

- Another idea for (Y/n) was the typical isekai otaku protagonist, but that idea was also removed.

- This fanfiction was originally planned to be only romance, however genres mixed.

- Ren realized he liked her moments before death, since Peyote originally tried to stab (Y/n).

- It was an ironclad idea that Kotone was Hao's wife on paper, so that (Y/n) would be able to reincarnate within the bloodline. It was never stated who Hao had children with, so I thought, why not? Though it was more of a deal than a marriage of love.

- The (L/n) is closely related to the Asakura due to Kotone's agreement to be Hao's wife in exchange for (Y/n)'s reincarnation.

- It was Mi, (Y/n)'s second, that assisted Matamune and Yohken in defeating Hao.

- (Y/n)'s Furyoku value is infinite. As a glitch, she has access to everything between the worlds of death and life. She could beat Hao if only she tapped into her true potential.

- Yoh's character file is 25_15_8. If you were to look at the alphabet, it spells out his name.

- The characters who became self-aware, in order, are Hao, (Y/n), Yoh, Kotone, Amidamaru, Bason, Ren, Horohoro, Jeanne, and Lyserg. The rest were kept in the dark by Mi.

- Hao deletes any data regarding self-awareness so that everyone has a chance of happiness.

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