Chapter 1 - Beginning of the End

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There is no hope for me here. Most stories have hope of escape, or of love, or both. But I, like many others, were born for a purpose, a purpose I have no say in. My upbringing was the same as anybody else, until I reached eighteen. Supposedly, this is the day you receive freedom, at least in Britain, you ultimately get the final say over your own life. Eighteen was the day I lost all control over my own life, the day I began the rest of my life.

A few months ago:

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MINA!!!” I scream as my entire family and friends jump up from behind the furniture in the living room, I love surprises.

“You guys!” I beam over at my mum and dad coming out of the kitchen with my birthday cake, blue icing of course, with ‘Mina’ written in delicate purple swirls on top. This was clearly a bakery job, Mum had finally realised what a terrible cook she was. It was now that I realise I’m only wearing my ugly pyjama top and tatty shorts in front of my entire friends and family, which reminds me...what time had I slept in till? Glancing at the clock in the corner, I see it’s almost nine thirty in the morning; had my sleeping pattern become so predictable that my friends and family would just gather at the right time?

I open my eyes. I’m back in my bed and it is in fact eleven o’clock not nine thirty, according to my phone. I slip off my bed and out into the living room where I check behind the sofas first thing, nobody is hiding behind them. I shrug, nothing’s changed, nobody gives a shit until twelve o’clock when the coffee machine starts to puke out some questionable coffee. It really does sound like I’m being ungrateful but this is just the way mornings work in my family, my Dad left us a couple of years ago and as usual, he’s always in my dreams. My mum is keeping herself and me alive through the benefit system we have running in this country, and a low-paying job that ensures she still gets them. She tries to hang on to herself, but after my Dad left it’s hard for her to see the point of it all anymore, she’s a shell. She’s been hard-working all her life, putting others always before herself and I will always respect her for that. In a few weeks, I will start a full-time job and so the rest of my life will begin...

I go to answer the front door after hearing a very rhythmic knock which I recognise immediately as belonging to my best friend, Annie. As usual, she doesn’t disappoint.

“Happy Birthday!” She holds up a big box which I can only assume is my birthday cake as I let her into the kitchen. “I can’t believe you’re eighteen! You get to drink, you get to vote, agh!...You get to buy me fags...” She looks up at me through her lashes and attempts to give me puppy-dog eyes.

“You don’t even have to ask.” I smile at her, as my best friend, she’s entitled to the benefits of me turning eighteen. She puts the cake down on the kitchen counter and comes in for a hug.

“By the way, there’s a really posh black car right outside your house. I just thought you should know cos there’s a reeaaaallllly hot guy sitting in it who rolled down the window to look at me on my way past.” She whispers the last part in my ear and then giggles. I glance out the window and gasp, Annie breaks the hug. “Mina?” She puts her hands on my shoulder, but it barely registers, I’m too busy gazing into the eyes of the blonde god in the posh black car. His eyes are a dark blue that stand out beautifully against the lightness of his tousled hair. He dazzles me with a smile and rolls up the dark window so I can no longer see him. I’m frozen where I stand, just gazing like an idiot out of the window as Annie shakes me. “Mina?! Look, it’s nothing to worry about, no one that hot could possibly be a creep, trust me.” I look at her and smile but she still sees the worry playing behind my eyes. “Ok, if he’s still here tomorrow then we’ll call the police ok? I’ll be here anyway cos I’m sleeping over.”

“Is my mum..” I begin to ask my usual question.

“Of course she’s ok with it! This is me we’re talking about, your mum loves me.” I beam at her; I would have to work the rest of my life to repay everything she’d ever done for me.

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