Chapter 19 - Hell or High Water

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Covas POV:

I kneel down beside the boy and look him in the eye; I have the desired effect as he shuffles away from me.

“What’s your name, boy?”

“I told you, it’s Danny!” He looks rather terrified and I smile, he’s more likely to tell me the truth this way.

“And what’s your last name, Danny?”

“Ricks.” There is little hesitation in his answer, an indication that he has told the truth, but I can’t be sure.

“Fine, right go put something on, I don’t wanna see any more of you than needs be.” He stumbles to his feet and hot-foots it over to the closet.

“Urghhh…there’s nothing in here.” I suddenly remember that this is Mina’s old room.

“Right, put your old clothes on.”

“I don’t know where they are! I woke up naked!” I roll my eyes, I have an idea brewing of who brought him here.

“What’s the last thing you remember?”

“I was coming out of the pub with a couple of mates and…”


“My friend saw this woman walking towards us…she was… she came over to talk to us. We talked for a minute or so and she flirted with us…she kept… looking at me…”

“What did you talk about?”

“I don’t remember…”

“Okay, then what happened?!” I’m starting to get frustrated with this moron.

“I can’t remember...I woke up here…”

“What did the woman look like?”

“Long dark hair, real pale, with red lipstick on…”

“What was she wearing?”

“I can’t remember…”

“Come on, a bright pink onesie? What?!”

“Something dark and long, I can’t really remember what colour…” It’s Gabi, I’m sure of it. I call her through our blood-tie and she arrives within a couple of seconds.

“That’s her!” The boy points up at her and she turns to wave at him.

“Isn’t he something, brother?” Gabi gazes like a love-struck schoolgirl at the boy, I fight the urge to retch.

“Gabi, you have to ask me before you bring any humans here; we have a strict quota! How do you know he isn’t someone important or famous? An investigation into his disappearance may already be underway!” For a moment, I actually see a flash of fear in her eyes, but only a moment…

“He may be gorgeous…” She flashes over to him and strokes his cheek, as if admiring a work of art, “but he isn’t anyone important…at least not yet…” She grins at him and taps his nose, to which he seems to recoil slightly.

“Well, we may not have the resources to keep him here! Did you ever think of that?!” She stands and comes over to me, winding her arm through mine, giving me a pleading look.

“Pleeeeaaaaasseeee, Matthias?” Her use of my first name in front of a human stops me before I comply to her wish.

“No, Gabi, he did not go through the proper process and so he is a danger to everyone here. Kill him and dispose of him properly, or I will.” Shock crosses her face and she looks around wildly for something before grabbing me by the shoulders.

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