Chapter 6 - Spanish Invasion

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I can’t sleep. I’ve been trying for the past half hour to sleep or nap or doze; anything to stop me from thinking. But at the same time I know it’s nothing less than I deserve...I deserve to feel sickened at myself for forgetting about Annie. I had shared...intimate moments..with her killers! I am the worst best friend she could’ve been cursed with. It literally pains me to admit that I was actually beginning to like Stanley; I had completely forgotten how he killed Annie. I feel like finding him right now and attacking him, so that he would kill me after I theoretically kicked his ass; the thought of me kicking his ass makes me chuckle...and it’s official, I’m actually insane... Anyhow, I can’t have myself killed because I owe it to Annie to spend the rest of my life making up for what I had done and for what she had done for me.

“Wake up.” I practically jump out of my skin as Stanley shakes me more violently than necessary. His actions only ignite more anger in me and I want nothing more than to stab him a hundred times in his gut with the ridiculously fancy pen in my drawer; then at least the blood would provide sufficient cause to call such a weapon a ‘fountain’ pen...I mean what kind of idiot would think ‘fountain’ when they invented a pen?! “Are you even listening to me?!!!” My attention snaps back to Stanley before he shakes me again.


“Shut up. I’ve come to inform you that Mr Covas has decided to move you’re session forward, due to reasons I cannot disclose.”

“What time?”


“You must be jo—” But Stanley grabs me by my elbow roughly and drags me into my walk-in wardrobe. “What—”

“Get changed. Your clothes look like shit with all the blood spilled down them.” He strides over to the right-hand corner of the room, and looks amongst the section next to the lingerie, pulling out a beautiful long red, strapless dress. He turns back to me and holds it up, I walk forward to take it. “What you doing? I’ll hold it while you strip.” I gawp at him, expecting him to take it back as a joke, but his eyes never leave mine and he smiles; he’s serious.

“You’re such a pervert!” He just laughs at my remark.

“Ah, dear Mina, were I younger you would’ve had me fooled. But I am old enough a vampire now to know that girls love to take their clothes off in front of men; they just won’t admit it.” He grins evilly at me.

“I’m guessing you’re only used to women who take their clothes off for a living, incidentally the only ones who would’ve spared you a side-ways glance.” I expect him to punch me in the face or throw me against wall for that comment, but his grin just grows wider. Calling him undesirable was a stupid comeback I guess; it would be like calling a football player unfit.

“We haven’t got long, Mina, so just strip and get into the dress. We’ve still got to do something with your hair.” I start undressing, blushing every time an item of my clothing hits the floor. In about a minute, I’m standing there with my arms wrapped around me against the boob-seeking eyes of the vampire. I look up at him expectantly for the dress, one of my arms unlocks from around my body to reach for it, but he pulls it away from me as I do so. “I’m sure we can spare a moment for me to admire the view...”

“Fine.” I swiftly turn to my left and pick out the nearest top my hands find, hoping it will be long enough to cover my ass as well.

“God, you have to ruin all the fun, don’t you...” I turn just in time to catch the dress that he sends flying at me from across the room. I swiftly undo the zipper and step into it, pulling it up to cover my cleavage before turning to him for assistance.

“Would you be so kind?” I sneer at him sarcastically.

“Well, personally I think an undone zip looks kinda ‘devil-may-care’; my kinda hot. But I guess Mr Covas appreciates classy chicks, so...” Stanley steps behind me and pulls the zipper up my back, letting his cold finger graze my spine from the small of my back to the nape of my neck. I try my very hardest to hold in the shiver that threatens to break out at his touch, but despite my best efforts, I feel goose-bumps spread from where his skin touches mine. Suddenly I feel his breath at my neck and I let out an involuntary shiver as he whispers into my ear, “Tonight’s my lucky night, honey, I’ve waited too long to taste you...” I gasp and step away from him, hearing him chuckle behind me. “Your hair’s a mess and we need to get some make-up on you...” He grips my elbow once again and pulls me out of the wardrobe and across to the bathroom where he grabs a stool and pushes me onto it. “We need a woman in here...” His male chauvinism is really getting old and I turn to remark upon his lack of confidence in his masculinity or something, when I notice he’s gone. A few seconds go by before he’s back and he shoves Rosie into the room, her face is pale and she stumbles to the floor. “Don’t be pathetic, Rosie, we flitted for less than a second!” Rosie looks hurt but picks herself back off the ground and turns towards me questioningly; she clearly has no idea why she was brought here. “Right, do Mina’s hair and make-up.” She nods and immediately grabs a brush and begins to drag it through my hair none-too-gently. Stanley stands watching for a second or so in my peripheral vision, then walks out the bathroom with no explanation.

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