Chapter 26 - When It Rains

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Mina’s POV:

I barely notice as the door shuts behind us with a crack as I run over to the pile of man on the floor. I kneel beside him and lift his head into my lap with no idea as to what is driving me to do this. Blood trails seep from his eyes, ears and nose, his mouth is another thing entirely, looking like an infected zombie from Twenty-eight Days Later. Rosie screams as I cradle him against me. Danny… Danny… Danny

“HELP!” I don’t look up at Rosie as she screams desperately, something else holds my gaze to Danny…but he doesn’t wake… “HELP! Someone needs help in here!” I only look round when I hear the door crash open again, Covas flashes into the room.

“What’s going on?!” He looks down at me, panicked.

“It’s Danny, Sir, he’s….” Covas flashes over to where I’m holding Danny, his blood dripping onto my bare skin.

“Mina…Mina, let go…” I look up at him, I don’t know why I’m feeling so upset, I barely knew Danny…but I hold him against me with a firm gentleness…He was never supposed to die this way… “Mina…give him to me…” I shake my head as silent tears squeeze themselves from my eyes and creep down my face. “Mina…” I hear the pity in his voice and feel his hand come to rest on my shoulder, I shrug it off…this is his fault. “Mina, I didn’t do this, please, let me help…” I try to answer him but my sobs interrupt and crack my voice. Covas turns to Rosie, trying to convey something. She kneels next to me and pulls me into her arms for a moment or two. After a couple of seconds she takes my resistant hands gently from Danny’s body; I finally find my voice.

“No! He’s not dead!” I feel the truth ring out in my words and through my bones; I would know if he was gone… Covas takes Danny from me and I watch horrified before Covas lifts his wrist to his mouth and bites down. He brings his dripping wrist to Danny’s gaping, pale lips. We wait a minute or so, it feels like hours have gone by when Covas takes his healed wrist from Danny’s mouth.

“Mina…I’m sorry, the blood isn’t working fast enough… he’s going to die…”

“No! He can’t die! This is your fault!” I spring out of Rosie’s arms to take Danny’s body back from Covas.

“Mina! Stop this behaviour, seriously, what is happening to you?! You’ve known him a week!” I collapse into a pile on the floor.

“I was meant to save him…I was… I didn’t know how…” The tears spring from my eyes uncontrollably as I hiccup my way through my sorrow. “I felt him calling for me, I had to save him and I didn’t!”

“Rosie…take care of her, I’ll be back soon, I need to take him somewhere.”

“S-sir.” Suddenly Covas is gone, Danny’s body with him.

“No…” The word barely escapes my throat, Rosie pulls me into a tight embrace and I turn and sob into her shoulder, my emotions beyond my own comprehension or control.

Covas’s POV:

I feel the boy’s heartbeat failing as I flit down to the morgue. He’s not on our books as someone who’s allowed to disappear according to human government regulations. This means that the morgue team will have to make special arrangements for his burial, no one can ever find him. Within a few seconds, I arrive at the morgue, causing the morgue guys to sit up from their magazines.

“I can’t believe I’m paying you guys so much money to just dick around… I should’ve been a fucking dead-dealer.” The Head Dead-Dealer stands up and takes the boy’s body from me, placing it on one of the morgue slabs.

“Well, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, Sir…gets a little boring sometimes…” The vampire laughs.

“Any complaints concerning this sort of job is frankly a piss-take, Eron, this job is laughable.” The vampire laughs again,

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