Chapter 3 - Taste of New Life

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I drift back into consciousness in the vampire’s arms and feel the swaying movements of his strides come to a stop, just as I open my eyes. I look up at him and find that he’s already gazing down at me, smiling.

“We’re here, hun.”

“How long was I out?”

“About five minutes” I raise my eyebrows in surprise, I felt this fresh after sleeping just five minutes? I look around at the grand door ahead of us; the designs on it create a gold work of art. “I’m going to need to heal that knick on your shoulder from the other night; you have to be completely flawless.”

“How do you do that?”

“Vampire blood and saliva both have healing chemicals in them but blood sharing has more complications so I’ll have to re-open the wound and heal it with saliva.” I feel panic rise in me once more,

“Will it hurt?” He smiles and puts me back down so that I’m standing in front of him, then he brings his hand up to lightly cradle my face. I feel a sudden wave of calm wash away my panic and settle in the air around me.

“Not unless I want it to...” He leans his head in and I feel his breath on my neck and then a slight wetness as his tongue flicks out to touch my skin. “What a thing it would be to taste you…” I feel my panic break through the false calmness and I raise my arms between us to push him away; I really needn’t have bothered, he’s completely immovable.

“You can’t...y-you’re not allowed,” I stutter, he pulls me closer to him and wraps one arm around my waist and raises the other hand to push my head to the side. He leans in once again and whispers against my skin,

“For now, honey…but I will taste you sooner or later.” I shiver and feel the same drowsiness come over me once again but this time I fight it. I feel another nip at my shoulder and I give out an involuntary moan. Where did that come from? His tongue flicks out once more and licks the area he had nipped and I feel it immediately begin to prickle, radiating bliss through my body. He pulls away and I realise he is almost completely supporting my weight, so, embarrassed, I try to stand on my own. I look up to see that he’s smirking and he laughs through his nose, I can’t help but blush. “It’s ok to feel a little overwhelmed, honey, after all you’re only human.” As I try to withhold a laugh at his little play on words, he leans around me and grips the handle of the door, “You ready there, hun?” He grins as he sees I’m still flushed a little pink from our scene just now.

“No, I’m not, but we may as well just go in.” He nods and steps in front of me to open the door.

“Ok then. I must warn you though, he will not tolerate any back-talk, especially from a human, so do as he says. You won’t be in there long anyway.”

“Why? What’s gonna happen?” But he’s already opened the door and now ushers me through into the most beautifully decorated room I have ever seen. The same kind of gold designs frame the entire room and I feel kind of underdressed to enter such a place. I don’t see anybody in the room so I turn to the blonde vampire, whose name I still don’t know, and see that he is locking the door behind me.

“Where is he? Should I wait some….” But the words get stuck in my throat as a man appears right in front of me. All I can do is squeak in surprise before another wave of calm drifts about me but it doesn’t have as much of an effect on me as before and I still feel my fear burning in my shaking limbs. The man in front of me is a work of art himself; his hair is ebony and his eyes are even darker, his skin is the richest mocha I’ve ever seen and it clings to the rippling muscles beneath. I feel a sudden urge to reach out and touch him, but I refrain my twitching hands with some difficulty.

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