Chapter 11 - Granted

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Rosie’s POV:

As soon as I’m out of the sunshine and into the building, my body relaxes somewhat. I hadn’t realised how uncomfortable I’d been until I walked back into the building. Why was I feeling so nervous? I guess nervous really isn’t the word for it; there is no word to describe it exactly. I stroll up the dimly lit hallway until I reach the first set of stairs leading back up to the rooms. I leap up the stairs two at a time, feeling buzzed with energy and exhausted at the same time, it’s the strangest sensation; probably a result of having Allen’s healing blood. I carry on up two flights of stairs until I’m on my familiar floor, and turn right towards the donor lounge. Knowing this place so well means that I’m free to think as my feet carry me to where I need to go on their own. I had come up with an idea whilst talking to Mina, of creating a book that would explain to newcomers about their new lives, a donor manual of sorts…The Donor Manual; that’s what I should call it! I don’t know how to design a front-cover for it yet, but I am going to raid everyone’s drawers for coloured paper, not that it’s technically allowed… but hey ho. I’m almost at the door to the lounge when I’m slammed into the wall by a very heavy pair of hands on my shoulders. I can tell you now, even after months of living here, you never get accustomed to being snuck up on. My girl-scream gets lodged in my throat like a piece of candy as my eyes squeeze shut; I’ve always thought that it shows more defiance not to look your enemies in the eye.

“Don’t be pathetic, Rosie, open your eyes!” I hear Liam’s voice so I open my eyelids a pinch. “Good…” And then I feel that familiar numbness seep over me, gripping my mind in a soft caress that claims my thoughts and senses. “What has the new girl told you about me?!” I stare at him blankly, no memories floating to the surface. “Answer me!”

“Nothing about you, sir.” My voice comes out in its familiarly ominous tone. Liam grips my shoulders harder,

“And what has she said about Covas?!” Again, no memory resurfaces and some part of my mind realises how little she has actually confided in me compared to Maria.

“Nothing, sir.” His shoulders seem to relax but I hear a growl erupt from deep in his chest, and all at once, he pushes me hard against the wall and swings his head round so that his lips brush my throat. He pauses there for a second or so before sinking his canines into the flesh of my neck, causing a tiny squeak to escape my mouth. But as quickly as he had struck, Liam pulls away with what looks like a mixture of horror and disgust on his face.

“Not you as well...for fuck’s sake, not you too!” He slams me against the wall and flits away, to my great relief, down the opposite direction from the lounge. I feel my shoulders drop as I relax a little...what the hell had that  been?! I carry on down the corridor and walk straight through the donor lounge, making a conscious effort to avoid eye- contact with Zack and Hannah sitting near the door leading to the rooms. Once in my room, I raid my drawers and find a bid wad of pretty pink paper. After retrieving this, I retreat back down the hall to invade Mina’s room; which used to be Emily’s. Thinking of her always leaves a frown etched upon my face. I enter the room quietly, I’m reaaaally not supposed to do this, but I need the materials for the manual and I’m pretty sure Mina wouldn’t begrudge me some of her stuff. Digging through her drawers, I find a wad of purple paper – different colour but what are ya gonna do? I close the drawer I found it in carefully and walk back towards the door, passing her empty walk-in wardrobe...wait, empty? That can only mean two things, either she’s been moved elsewhere like Emily, or Covas has taken her to his quarters permanently; sounds about right considering she appears to be his Singer. I guess I should be surprised that Covas hasn’t been more protective over her, Stanley hasn’t let his human out of his room at all since the day she arrived; none of us have even met her officially.

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