Chapter 4 - My Honeymoon Suite

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I wait for Stanley out in the hall but after shutting the door behind us he just grabs my wrist as he strides past, practically dragging me along the corridor. Something about that mocha-vampire’s last words had obviously bothered him and he seemed to be taking it out on my wrist. I whimper as I clip my side as he pulls me round the corner and down yet another long, well-decorated corridor.

“Am I in some sort of trouble?” I sound out of breath, even though he is putting in more effort in moving me than I am.

“Shut up.” I decide that whatever his reason, I should just suck it up, at least he wasn’t using his power over me right now, so I could deduce that my thoughts and feelings are my own. But it suddenly occurred to me that he wasn’t sedating me to take me out the building, I want to ask him about it but I’m really not that stupid. I’m beginning to lose all feeling in my legs when he stops at a plain wooden door, causing me to almost crash into him. He has his hand on the doorknob when suddenly my knees just buckle and I nearly fall to the ground before he moves quickly to catch me and hitches me up by my waist. I let him support the entire nine and a half stone of my body weight as a grey fog begins to cloud my peripheral vision. My head rolls back as my neck loses the strength to support it; I feel like I’m going to pass out. “Jesus! You were only in there for five minutes, how much did he drink?!” I feel too weak to even move my mouth to answer him, “You’d think at his age he might have some self restraint, wouldn’t you...,”He mumbles to himself as he scoops me up, bridal style, and opens the door ahead of us into a surprisingly warm room. I can hear fire crackling somewhere to my right and female voices whispering to my left, I daren’t open my eyes though, I wouldn’t have the strength anyway. I feel the motion of Stanley’s strides pause, “As you were, ladies,” The whispering stops and Stanley starts to stride forwards once again and suddenly jostles me in his arms, “Stay awake! We’re nearly there.” I open my eyes the tiniest bit to look up at his stern expression.

“I wasn’t –”

“Shut up.” I feel him turn to the right and I hear a door closing seconds later. I feel myself being gently laid down on something soft and I open my eyes, using up valuable strength, to see that I am lying on a very fancy four-poster bed with the typical red curtains draped around the side; the kind used for honey-moon suites ...I gasp audibly as the realisation sinks in, I wasn’t just a blood donor... I begin to lose control of my calm as the air in my lungs comes out in shallows huffs as I begin to hyperventilate. My whole body starts to violently shake and I notice Stanley is no longer in the room, had he left me here to just die? Without even the courtesy of making it quick? For a few moments I just lay there hyperventilating, expecting to die a slow and excruciatingly miserable death, but Stanley strides back into the room with what looks like scraps of roast beef and potato on a plastic plate. He seems to notice my panicked state and a confused expression takes over his face as he sets the plate down on the side-table and places a finger on my neck to read my pulse.

“What’s wrong with you?! I leave for thirty seconds and you’re losing your mind.” He smirks at me, which for some reason actually calms me down somewhat, “ Don’t worry, honey, you’ll be seeing me so much for the next few months you’ll be sick of me. Now, you need to eat this cos otherwise you can’t take the pill and therefore won’t get better.” My shallow breath catches in my throat; they were putting me on the pill??!!! Stanley looks concerned as my face drains of colour, “What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you suddenly all scared and shit? I’m helping you.” I shake my head, my stored up tears springing out of my eyes.

“Pleaaaase just kill me, I don’t want to live like this.” He seems startled by my sudden outburst of emotion.

“Well you seemed to be enjoying yourself five minutes ago.” I whimper as air is forced out my lungs by my uncontrollable sobs.

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