Chapter 7 - Fool Him Once

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I sit there frozen with the realisation; I belong to Covas, I belong to a vampire... He’s still cradling me against his chest, as if I’m the last human on earth; his gentleness unnerves me. I suddenly feel a foreign urge to turn around and kiss him, I can feel his power over me more strongly than ever, so I fight it more strongly than ever; he may have claimed me but I will never relinquish control over my own actions.


“Yes?” I sit there innocently, restraining my triumphant smile. Suddenly I’m facing him, my legs straddling his lap as he looks deep into my eyes, sending waves of power through them. The sudden movement has my heart leaping into my throat and I struggle to catch my breath as his gaze grows deeper, his eyes imploring mine to yield to his power. I can feel his power clawing at my integrity, telling me that I want to reach out and touch him and kiss him and mould to him, but the urges feel foreign and I reject them; I do nothing but maintain eye-contact with him, only just holding back my smirk at his incredulous expression.

“What are you?” His question catches me off-guard and my eye-brows knit together; why would he say that? “Answer me! What are you? How are you doing that?!”

“I don’t know, sir.” Suddenly I’m being pressed against the wall of what was the far side of the room; I feel dizzy from the flash movement and slump in Covas’ arms. His arm comes up and begins to crush my throat making me gasp aloud for air.

“You will answer my question if you know what’s good for you, Mina.”

“I, please...let go...I’ll...die.” He presses harder against my neck.

“Now see, I know you’re controlling your ‘ability’ because you’ve gotten better at it. When you first arrived we had no problems in compelling you.” I need to tell him something or I will die, so I throw him off the scent,

“I can only resist you, sir, I swear...” He lets go of my throat and I collapse onto the floor and struggle to regain my regular breathing.

“But that’s...” He pauses and I watch his confusion twirl behind his eyes, “...Perhaps Gabi will know...” I look up at him and find that he’s no longer looking at me. I watch as a shiver takes over his entire being, then all at once, he is still again. Not a second has gone by before a beautiful vampiress in a long blood red dress appears before him,

“You cannot just summon me like a dog, my brother; that is the exclusive privilege of the elder sibling.” She smiles and steps towards him, her arms outstretched out of the mass of dark hair that falls past her ivory shoulders and pools into soft curls around her cleavage. The two vampires couldn’t look less like siblings if they tried... Covas steps towards her and they briefly embrace before proceeding to act if I weren’t there,

“Gabriella, it is simply quicker and easier to summon you here considering that I could not leave my chambers.” She raises her eyebrows at him,

“Why how dreadful, my dear brother, pray tell me, what has befallen you?” His eyes flick down towards me, swiftly followed by hers, I cower back into the wall, wishing to melt away from their glares.

That!” He points a long ferocious finger at me and proceeds to reach for me. Then suddenly I’m being held up by my hair in front of the vampiress, whose eyes behold me with mere curiosity. I shake violently within Covas’ cruel grasp as the vampiress reaches her delicate white hand towards me and gently touches the side of my face. I feel her calming influence brush against my consciousness and I open the flood gates of my mind to let the glorious feeling of contentment drift through me; my eyelids close of their own accord.

“I see nothing wrong with her, my brother?” I force my eyes open to see the disbelief on Covas’ face, it doesn’t disappoint. He swiftly wipes all expression off his face and lets go of my hair, sending waves of relief through me.

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