14. "Aww Kitten, you worry about me."

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Chapter 14 - "Aww Kitten, you worry about me."

We were both silent in the car, that was until Carter started looking through my collection of CD's.

I heard him snort, I took a quick glance at what CD he was holding.

Brittney Spears.

I looked back at the road.

He wasted no time and played the CD.

We currently listening to Hit Me Baby One More Time. I can somewhat tell he was grinning like an idiot.

"My loneliness is killing me.." he sang, while doing some hand gestures dramatically. His hand pressed against his chest, basically where his heart is. I couldn't help but laugh.

Although his voice wasn't bad.

For fun I joined in with him. "And I must confess, I still believe," the Carter joined.

"Still believe." We both laugh uncontrollably.

He turns down the volume.

"So, you hungry?" I ask, since I was clearly hungry.

He shrugged and nodded.

I take the left, where a little diner was there. I was craving for some burger and fries.

"Drive through or eat in?" I ask.

He shrugged. "Shouldn't you be back home?"

I waved him off. "It's nothing, I'm really hungry plus I don't want to see Maggie." I said honestly.

"You don't like her do you?"

I looked at him sarcastically. "How did you guess?"

He rolled his eyes. "Why?"

I smirk as I park the car. "What's with the questions, Cale?" I asked calling by his last name.

I shut the engine as I brought my purse along with me.

Carter came of the car and shut the door. He came by my side as he furrowed his eyebrows looking down at my purse.

"Why did you bring your purse?"

"Well someone has to pay for the food." I said opening the doors to get inside.

Carter spoke, "Well I was going to pay."

My eyebrows shot up, I never thought Carter would do something nice.

"Did you even bring your wallet?"

He started patting his front pocket and back pocket, his cheeks slightly redden.

"Exactly my point, someone needs to buy the food." We both join the que.

"I'll pay you back." He muttered next to me.

I chuckled, "It's just food Carter, the last thing I want is for you and I to die of starvation.

He chuckled.


As me and Carter ordered our food, we both sat opposite each other.

We both dig in our food, this was my dinner for tonight.

I looked outside the window and remembered everything I saw today.

Why was Tommy holding a gun and attempting to shoot it?

Who is Tommy? And why was Carter helping him?

Did anyone else know about this?

My thoughts were done when Carter clicked his fingers in front of me.

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