18. "You are so stupid Tori."

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[Listen to the music on the side when you get half way down the to the ending or whenever you prefer]

Chapter eighteen – "You are so stupid Tori."

"Ah yes, how could we forget about that moment." Beatrice said looking at Robert while both of them started laughing.

Beatrice was telling me about Beatrice and Roberts wedding day and how everything fell apart.

I chuckled nervously, I wasn't concentrating on what she had to say, and I was being rude.

This isn't my fault.

It's Carter.

Last night he was all nice and sweet and this morning, he avoids me? Like what the hell have I done wrong.

I stab my fork into the pancake Beatrice had made.

A tall figure came inside the dining room, I avoided him.

Two can play at this game.

"Carter you're here, I've got breakfast ready." Beatrice layed down the plate in front of him as he sat opposite me.

"Thank you." He replied.

I carry on eating this delicious breakfast.

"So, how did you two meet?" Robert asked as he put down his newspaper.

I swallow down my food as I looked up at Carter who was already staring at me.

I looked away. "Urr...err..um..." I stuttered not being to think of the right words.

"What she means is that, we met from our parents."

"Aww, isn't that sweet Robert." Beatrice said siting down next to Carter and Robert.

"Yes, it is." He said keeping his words short.

I looked at Carter as I saw him giving me a look which I could not quite understand.

I furrowed my eyebrows and mouthed 'what'?

He rolled his eyes, and mouthed something back.

"Tori, don't you think we should leave now?" he said giving me a look, oh he wanted to leave.

"Oh yes we should." I said wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"Oh so soon?" Beatrice asked as she got up with us.

Carter slipped on his leather jacket. "Tori's parents must be worried about where she is."

Robert put his hand on Beatrice shoulder. "He's right, just give them our home phone and they'll hire a car."

"No need, I'll call a cab for you guys." Beatrice said with a smile, I returned one back.

I stood up from my chair, I looked up at Carter did something happen? Why has he been ignoring me?

Why is he acting strange all of a sudden?

I heard Beatrice mumble a few words and say her home address.

I took this opportunity to look at Carter, he caught me staring, he coldly looked away from me.

What is his problem?

I looked down biting the inside of my cheeks.

"Okay I called the cab, it should be on it's way. Why don't you kids wait outside." I nodded.

"Thank you for letting us stay here." I said smiling, she returned one back.

"Your welcome, it was a pleasure to meet the both of you." Beatrice replied, Robert gave us a smile, I noticed he didn't say much. He's more like me, I'm not very good with meeting new people, I'm socially awkward.

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