21. "Did you just smell me?"

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Chapter 21 – "Did you just smell me?"

I leaned against the door and realised what I done.

"Who was it?" Serena shouted from upstairs.

"No one!" I shouted back.

I sighed in relief hoping Carter had left.

I jumped when I heard him banging on the door.

"Tori open the door!" Carter shouted.

My eyes widen, Serena might have heard him.

I open the door, only to be smacked on the forehead.

I hold in my anger and he looked at me in shock and surprised, I rub my forehead. He probably felt a red mark or at least a bump.

"Sorry about-..." I quickly cover his mouth with my hand. He seemed surprised, I looked at the stairs if Serena was coming down or anything.

I looked at him. "No talking Carter, got it?" I was hoping for a nod but instead he rolled his eyes and looked at me as we both locked eyes, he then moved my hand away from his mouth I forgot about my hand being there.

"Anyway I'm here because-..." I imagined strangling him – too harsh?

I just don't want Serena asking me questions to why he's here.

I thought I told him to not speak at all?

"What are you doing?" he asked like I've gone insane.

I roll my eyes and smile sweetly. "You want a biscuit Carter? Will that at least shut you up?" I said irritated, he glared. "No biscuit for you if you keep looking at me like that."

He glared. "I'm not a dog!"

I snort, "Sure do act like one." I mumble.

"Said something?"

I look up at him, "Huh? No nothing."

"So anyway want to explain why you're here at my house?" I asked this was the only reason why I answered the door – and also because he was shouting.

"Why haven't you been showing up at school?" wait he noticed.

I started fake coughing, looking at him through my lashes and noticed he wasn't buying any of this act.

He waited, I sighed. "I just didn't want to show up."

"Was it because of Sasha?" my eyes widen as I realised that if she told Carter anything about that secret – well it's not really a secret, is it?

"N-No," he gave me a straight forward look, I look away and see if Serena was on the stairs listening, but she wasn't.

"Tell me why Sasha is telling you get her lunch?" Wait he doesn't know, does he?

I was somewhat relived.

I leaned against the door, "That depends will you tell me what Tommy has against you?" his eyes darkened as he stayed silent. "Exactly," I pushed my body of the door. "So if you don't mind, I'm busy." I quickly shut the door on him again, but he had really fast reflexes and stopped the door from closing with his hand.

"I didn't want to just ask you about that," my eyebrows furrowed. I was interested to know what it was, so I kept the door open. "I have something else to ask you." Wait HOLD UP – isn't this the part when the guy of your dreams expresses his undying feelings to you? Well in this case this is Carter, let's keep it short, he won't ever in his whole life express his feelings to me or anyone.

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