24. "surveillance camera"

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Chapter 24 – "surveillance camera"

It's been at least a week since I last spoke to Carter.

I would see him around school and I noticed that he would skip classes that included him sitting next to me. It didn't really bother me as much, but part of me started to miss him. It was quite obvious that he was avoiding me.

Was it because of what I said at the party? Because I didn't mean it.

I also hope him avoiding me doesn't include Tommy; I really hope Tommy hasn't said anything to him. I've only got two weeks until I give him my answer.

I was currently packing my bag as I am staying over at my nans for the weekend.

"Hey Tori, you're going to be okay driving up there yourself?" dad asked poking his head in my room.

I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine," he smiled. "I'll call you when I reach there."

"Okay sweetheart, but if I don't answer then you can always call Maggie." I nodded and smiled.

Even though I'm not really fond of Maggie, I think she's a good person to my dad. Maybe at times I can be a little hard on her; I guess I'm just not ready to see my dad move on after mom's death.

"Anyway give us a call," dad said about to leave.

I give a small smile. "I will, don't worry."

Carter's P.O.V




"Can you shut that fucking noise?!" I shouted against my pillow.




"I said shut that fu-..." I stopped talking when I got up and saw a blonde girl with one eyebrow raised. She turned off the alarm clock and was currently holding a cup of tea and some aspirins, not to mention she was wearing my shirt.

"Well good morning to you too," she said handing me the cup of tea and aspirins.

I looked around this room, light blue wallpaper, makeup scatted everywhere on her desk. Yep this is definitely not my place


"Did we...?" I started.

"Have sex?" she finished.

I nodded taking the tablet. "Then yes, yes we did have sex." My head started throbbing with pain.

Great, just fucking great.

I stood up ignoring the painful headache I get from hangovers. Then suddenly I felt her hands slide down my arms.

"Where are you going?"

I moved away from her and grabbed my trousers. "I have to go."

"Don't go, we could have more fun." She said biting her lip sexily, although it failed.

"Listen you were great last night," she smiled. "But I can't seem to actually remember that, so I'm guessing you were." I couldn't tell if she was annoyed or not. "Can I have my shirt back?" she took my shirt off flashing her breast, mentally rolled my eyes.

I slipped on my shirt and found my shoes, as I was putting on my shoes I sighed in relief when I saw an opened condom foil. At least we used protection.

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