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It had been twenty-four hours since Dove had last seen her brother. After her classes ended, she ran from school to her house in Victor's Village, closely followed by Angel, hoping to arrive on time to watch the Tribute's parade.

She stumbled three or four times on the way to her house. Her older sister shouted at her to be more careful, but it didn't matter. Once they got home, they took off their shoes and went to the sofa where their mother was there. The Parade was about to start, luckily they hadn't missed anything.

Please, don't let the designer be an absolute idiot that dresses him like a fish. She thought, crossing her fingers. On her right, her older sister was fidgeting nervously, while her mother intertwined her hand tightly with Dove's.

"I hope they don't dress them as starfishes like last year," Angel spoke up, in the verge of eating her carefully painted nails.

"Let's just hope they even put clothes on him. Honestly, I don't know what the designers think when they dress their tributes like that." Her mother's remark was sadly true. Sometimes designers got their tributes half-naked or covered enough to not be called naked on the Parade.

"Well, he is from a Career District and also the son of a Victor, that has to be enough to get many people's attention on him. But, let's wish he doesn't wear something ridiculous." Dove's wish was probably in vain.

After all, one thing the Capitol was famous for was their crazy fashion choices. Last year, on her first reaping, District Four's escort wore a dress representing to be scales. Needless to say, it was awfully weird.

"And here they come!" Caesar Flickerman, the host for the Hunger Games, announced cheerfully as the District One's chariot made its appearance. Dove waited impatiently, with her eyes glued to the screen, to see her brother and his district partner.

When they finally appeared, everyone in the room held their breaths. The clothes weren't horrifying, but having a starfish belt or a ridiculous pearl crown made it laughable. Which wasn't the best first impression option for her brother. His strategy would probably be 'a skilled and talented ready-to-be murderer who you should take into consideration', and that get up wasn't saying any of that.

The twelve chariots filled the loop within the City Circle, the horses pulled them straight to President Snow's mansion, where they stopped. The music ended, making everybody go silent. Then, President Snow made his appearance from the balcony, giving his usual speech.

Once he was done, the national anthem played as the chariots disappeared into the Training Centre. The camera showed the different tributes as they entered, with obviously, the Career Districts getting more screen time than the others tributes.

For the first time, I don't care about this unfairness. I guess, since my brother is part of the Career pack, everything that happens favourably to them will only benefit Melo too. She thought as her mother had enough with Capitol propaganda, and turned off the television.

"In a week, they'll have an interview with Caesar before the Games begin. It will only last three minutes, but that's better than nothing." The older sibling informed her. Dove just nodded at the information and got up from the couch.

A damn week. I don't know if it's too long or too short. I just want my brother back, for heaven's sake. What did we ever do to you? Although she had always accepted The Hunger Games as part of her life, now anything related to it only made her blood boil.

"Let the hell begin," she muttered, still staring at the turned off television.

After the week had gone by, it was clear that she had been correct in assuming it would be hell. She wondered so many things every minute that she couldn't pay any attention to her classes.

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