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Dove sat on her bed, analysing President Coin's words repeatedly. How could she send her and Peeta to the Capitol when they were so unstable? Sure, she wanted to go and was initially mad when she heard they wouldn't let them go.

We're talking about how people's lives are on the line. If Peeta gets triggered, he could attack Katniss or anyone else in the squad . . . And if he does, I'll probably get triggered too, and I might either attack someone or cause my own death. Why would Coin want that to happen? Losing the Mockingjay and Rebels' Songbird just like that . . . No, it's not just that, is it? Dove thought, getting up from her bed to walk around the halls.

No, it can't be just that. Katniss' life was indeed important . . . until she did her job. She was meant to unify the districts. Only that. She has served her purpose. Nothing else guarantees her life now. But, if Coin is recording everything that's happening with the victor's squad, it means there's still a need for her, right? But what else could Katniss do to inspire the people? What has she not done until now? As she continued wondering about the many possibilities, a door in front of her opened, letting her face the peace of the Hummingbird's room at night.

"Prim? What are you doing here so late?" Dove asked, approaching the little girl who was staring at some flowers. She crouched down next to her, looking straight at the flowers as she heard Prim sigh.

"I can't sleep. I'm so worried about Katniss," Prim replied, hugging her arms above her knees while trying to bury her face in the gap. "You must be here for the same, right? Finnick, Melo, Johanna, I'm worried about them, too. I don't want them to die."

Die . . . If they die, they'll be . . . a martyr! That's what Coin wants, isn't it? That's the only thing that could drive soldiers even wilder. The Mockingjay, a sweet seventeen-year-old girl, who went to the Hunger Games twice. Had supposedly lost her baby. And had fought by their side. How tragic would her death be? How many people would take her as an example to keep fighting? But . . . Why would this help Coin apart from riling up the troops? Dove wondered, wrapping an arm over Prim's shoulders while trying to shake her thoughts away for a bit.

"They'll be OK, Prim. I'll make sure of that. President Coin has notified Peeta and me that we will go with them. None of them will die under my watch," she promised, rubbing Prim's back comfortingly before getting up. "Come, I'll walk you to your compartment. Your mother must be worried out of her mind."

"Do the rest know that you're going?" Prim asked halfway to her compartment, which caused Dove to sigh in frustration.

"No. I tried to tell them, but I couldn't. I'll do it tomorrow for sure, though. When your family has seen you go to the Hunger Games twice . . . it's not information one should keep away from them," Dove said softly, squeezing her upper arm to hold on to reality. "Will you come to say goodbye?"

"Yes!" Prim answered decisively, just as they arrived at her compartment's door. "Then, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Dove."

"Goodnight, Prim," she replied, watching as the child entered her room before turning in her own compartment's direction. A martyr, huh? Then, will I be that too? If Katniss is supposed to die in Peeta's hands, am I supposed to kill myself during one of my panic attacks? Or is Coin hoping that one of those pods will kill me? What would she do then? She would have lost both faces of the rebellion. . . the faces of the rebellion! That's it. Not everybody acknowledges Coin as the President or whatever of the rebellion. If Katniss and I are out of the question, she has all the spotlight to herself.

Dove sat again on her bed, taking her songbook to write one last song. Her thoughts always seemed to get clearer whenever she wrote songs. It was as if a puzzle got completed in front of her. What if Coin's plan failed? If Katniss and I don't die, what would her next move be? I guess she will want to be President of the future Panem . . . but it'll be difficult if Katniss and I don't go along. If we publicly support another candidate, it could mean people could trust our judgement and support them too. Katniss doesn't do as she's told, and I don't really listen on the regular. So what would it be a good way to keep us in check?

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