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After half an hour of explaining her love story to everyone, Dove started to sob. She cried and explained how she would never get over Alder. How she would never forget him or fall in love with another person.

Maybe she was exaggerating her acting, but she wanted to make sure no one in the Capitol would doubt her. Caesar took a handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to her. The soft cough from Finnick delivered a message to her. She had to calm down.

It was important to make everyone know how heartbroken she was, but without forgetting how happy she was for having won. She had to be grateful for everyone's wishes and caring words.

"Dove, if it's alright with you, I would like to talk with you about the day of Alder's death." Dove looked at him with surprise. Even though it was a question she expected, she hoped her little stunt would make him not ask. However, she couldn't say no, so she nodded.

"When you dragged him out of the forest, I have to say I was already crying my eyes out. But when you sang, the scene was so emotional that I couldn't stop sobbing for a good twenty minutes." He declared with a soft chuckle.

"And when you kissed him, it was your first and last kiss, so heartbreaking. . ." He paused for a few seconds before continuing. "It must have been such a shocking moment. You didn't have enough time to mourn properly his death." Caesar said as he placed a hand on top of hers reassuringly.

"And when you met your district partner, let me tell you, I wasn't expecting that outcome! At that moment, I felt as if you were the goddess of the sea, Salacia, herself. Such a strong yet calm figure." Caesar said, not letting her utter a word.

"You flatter me, Caesar," Dove replied with a sad smile. She wanted the interview to be over soon. Her eyes met with Finnick's, who gave her a reassuring smile. After the interview, they would immediately go to the train and go home.

"But it's true!" Minutes went by when they finally got to the last moments of the games. Caesar made a few comments on her trap for the careers or her new alliance. Clem's goodbyes were plastered on the screen again, making Dove look down for a second.

"If I were to decide my favourite part of your games, it would be the use of the berries. It's such a poetic way to win. Tell me, what inspired you to do that?" Dove looked back up again at Caesar's question.

"I just thought it would be a quick way to kill the others. When Alder found those berries, we were at a great disadvantage. So if I used them, we would have more chances of winning." She replied with a bitter smirk, although she tried to hide it with a chuckle.

And it would be a more human way to kill them than just leave them to die from blood loss. Dove thought as she glanced at Finnick for a second, before directing her attention back to her interviewer.

"I see you inherited your quick-thinking from your mother," Caesar announced with a loud laugh, which got a chuckle from her.

"I've always looked up to my mother, so you could say I learned a thing or two from her," she replied.

"OK, Dove, last question. You have already told us about your story with Alder. But, even though your song was beautiful, it never felt as if they were your true last words to him. For example, as you did for your second ally. So imagine Alder, your soulmate, was here. What would your last words be?" Dove tried her best not to show her hatred towards the question.

She thought for a second. What would she tell him if he was there? What if she had one last chance to talk to him? How's heaven? Do you have any regrets? Do you wish it was me instead of you? I can't say any of these. She thought as she looked around the room, faking to be considering the most important words.

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