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Hours after waking up from her near-death experience, Dove was forced to remain still on the bed, Finnick by her side as they waited for the break of dawn to announce a new morning.

She had been unconscious in the Capitol's hospital for weeks, although for her, it seemed to have been mere hours. She felt as if the time she had spent talking with Alder in her unconscious mind couldn't have been more than that. However, it had been an entire week since she had been translated to continued monitoring after her heart had stopped.

"We were all forced to leave the room until further instructions. Like five minutes later, a doctor left your room, saying you had survived a cardiac arrest, but that meant you could have received brain damage," Finnick explained, caressing her face as he sat next to her on the bed.

"What about Prim?" Dove asked, looking at him before glancing at the empty room. If everyone had been all around here mere days ago, were they now? It couldn't possibly be the little girl's funeral, right?

"She's alive, don't worry. With some first and second-degree burns, but nothing too serious. She was released from the hospital a couple of weeks ago," he assured, brushing a few strands of hair out of her face. "She was here as well. Ron had to pick her up because she wouldn't leave your side."

"Second-degree burns? I was protecting her when I passed out, and she seemed fine. What happened?" She questioned while she tried to sit up with Finnick's help.

"She's a healer. What could you expect from her?" He pointed out with a light chuckle. "She took your coat and wig off while they were still in flames. She burnt her hands badly because of that. Holmes and Mitchell took care of her while Katniss hauled you away from the flames. Melo, Johanna and I were still far away. So, I'm glad she helped you. I owe her a great deal."

"She saved my sister, it's the least I could do," Katniss claimed, causing the married couple to realise her presence in the doorway. "Sorry to interrupt, but Prim couldn't stay in our room any longer. I'm glad to see you awake, Dove."

"Glad to be awake, Katniss." Dove smiled comfortingly, keeping her eyes on the two girls as they entered the hospital room. Prim's first move was to hug her, although she was mindful not to hurt her burned skin. "I just have second-degree burns? That's some piece of luck right there."

"Don't jinx it," Finnick muttered, shaking his head playfully.

"I'm not jinxing anything. I'm just stating facts," she replied, a teasing grin plastered on her face as she looked to her right. Where Finnick sat. While he raised his eyebrow to fake a concerned look.

As time passed and the sun raised in the sky, more and more people filled the room. The first ones to appear after the two sisters were Melo and Angel, who couldn't sleep at all and had decided to go back to the hospital room. They were overjoyed to meet their little sister, with her eyes opened and a smile on her face to greet them.

After them, Librae and Ron appeared. Their mother was scheduled to attend a meeting early in the morning, but once she saw the peaceful scene, there was no way she could go.

"I claimed it. An Ogilvy doesn't die easily. Seriously, you guys got god-like powers of survival after the adoption, or what?" Rhett commented mockingly, watching his husband hug Dove tightly while she repressed a groan from escaping her lips. "OK, Theo, dear, you're hurting her."

"You do that one more time and . . ." Johanna trailed off, trying to think of something threatening to keep her friend from risking her life again.

"Johanna, calm down," Melo said softly, hugging his lover as he saw Annie and Muscida passing by them quickly to hug Dove. Finnick got up from the bed to help Mags inside the room, guiding her until the armchair where he told her to sit. The last ones to enter were Ohan and Delia, whose appearance shocked Dove since she wasn't expecting to see anyone Capitol-related. "And I think that wraps it up. We're all here. Was this room always this tiny?"

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