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"Such a beautiful spirit." President Snow commented with a chuckle. "You see, Miss Ogilvy, I have a dilemma with you. Do you know why?" he added.

"Because of my love story with Alder," Dove replied firmly.

"Oh, no. That's a big problem indeed, but if you played your part right, it could be overlooked," he said as he got up from the chair. "My dilemma is, Miss Ogilvy, that you don't listen to orders unless you have a reason to do so. You need an edge. Something that makes you want to do your best. Your family, for example. Or even the boy you love."

"You promised-" Dove tried to say before being cut by the man.

"I know what I promised Miss Ogilvy," he said hastily. "And, as I promised, your sister will be safe for as long as you're alive. And I can't threaten your loved ones' lives since they're already Victors. Threatening your allies' families will take too long, besides it would be obvious for the people. So here's my dilemma. What do I do?"

"Is my illness going to worsen until my death, then?" Dove asked. No other ideas came to her mind. If he couldn't keep her in check, getting rid of her seemed the most plausible answer.

"Oh, I don't think either of us want that to happen so soon after your games, my dear. A Victor's tour without Victor? Who would the Capitol be captivated with, then?" he asked, using a mocking tone as he smiled.

"Last year's Victor. . . Melo." Dove replied. Everything was clicking inside her mind.

"Exactly. But not only him. Mister Odair as well. After all, just one of them wouldn't suffice to make everyone forget the promised new victor." Dove's hands trembled harder than before. The impotence was getting the best of her.

"Of course, I won't let that happen for now. Please take a seat. Let's discuss the change of your deal." President Snow said as he motioned her to take a seat as he sat on the same chair from before.

"What am I preventing and how can I prevent it?" Dove asked once she was seated. There was no need to beat around the bush with him. It would be better to amuse him for a little longer, just so he wouldn't come up with worse ideas.

"Always so eager to protect those whom you love, Miss Ogilvy. I have to say I'm impressed." He mocked, inspecting her with his eyes. "Well, about the matter we're discussing. I think the most immediate worry for you is Mister Odair's deal, am I right?" Dove nodded.

Her brother would still have a few months until his annual visit. However, Finnick had his first visit hardly weeks after the tour ended. She knew she couldn't stop the visits, but if she could reduce their stay there, it would be enough for her.

"Ordinarily, for the first year's visit, the Victor stays in the Capitol between one and two weeks with other Victors. From the second year on, they stay between two and three weeks, depending on the demand for them in the Capitol," he explained.

"But, if I could convince some contractors to have a different entertainment, the stay could get reduced." He took a few seconds to stare at Dove, making sure she knew where he wanted to get to with his explanation.

"And that other entertainment would be me and my singing," she spoke up. It was obvious she was, but the president would probably remain silent until she acknowledged his words.

"Precisely. Of course, the reduction of their visit will depend on how many people you distract from them. The tour would be a good practice to get started, don't you think so, Miss Ogilvy?" Dove was getting sick and tired of his games.

Couldn't he just tell her to entertain people for Finnick and Melo's sake from the beginning? Of course, he can't. It wouldn't be amusing. Neither would he see my separated reactions. It's all about games for him, isn't it? She thought bitterly, although she didn't show it in her expression.

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