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"Yeah, yeah. I can't believe you tricked me," Finnick said while walking towards her, making her go back a few steps. Dove was worried he would pull her into the water again.

"I'm really sneaky. Don't you dare throw me again. I'm already freezing." She replied, continuing to step back. She tripped on a stone, making her almost lose her balance.

"Relax, I'm not going to throw you again. I just want to get my coat. If you didn't notice, I got splashed twice, and I'm freezing too." He chuckled through his words.

"You brought a coat? I didn't notice." A long white coat was surprisingly next to hers, by the size it had to be his. How had she not noticed before? Quickly, she rushed to the coats. And put his coat on herself.

"Do I look good?" She asked, posing as if she was preparing herself for a photoshoot. He stopped in his tracks, staring at her, and laughed.

"Lovely. Now, can I have my coat back? I would do the same with yours, but I think I would tear it. And we don't want that, do we?" Dove shook her head, taking off his coat and passing it to him.

"Ugh, my hair is soaked. Do you have anything I could use to tie it with? If I leave with my hair down, my coat will be drenched," she stared at him as he thought for a second before pulling a piece of rope out of his pocket.

"Do you want me to tie it up for you?" he asked, to which she nodded. Her wet hair reached past her waist and was quite heavy. She would have a hard time tying it up by herself. 

He stood behind her. Tying her hair was harder than he thought it would be, but after some failed tries, he achieved to do it. It wouldn't last long, but it would be enough until she got home.

"If you don't mind me asking, why do you carry a piece of rope with you?" she asked, remembering how sometimes she saw him with the rope, but he always hid it in his pocket once he saw her. He stepped back, admiring his work with Dove's hair.

"It helps me get my mind off things. I tie and untie knots, so I can't think of anything else," he replied. She didn't know what to say. There wasn't anything she did to keep her mind occupied. Normally, she just gave in to her overthinking.

"If it helps you, I guess I should try it out too," her comment made him laugh. Dove turned around, only to realise how close the two of them were. Usually, she wouldn't mind, but knowing there were cameras around them made her feel awkward.

She knew President Snow had seen this coming. He knew they would get along quickly. He knew they would sympathise with one another. He knew how they couldn't stop meeting each other, even if it meant they would be in more danger.

Dove only prayed to never fall in love with the boy in front of her. Who knows what that sociopath might do if I show any signs of liking Finnick? He won't let us alone. After all, Finnick is probably the most desirable Victor of all the Districts. President Snow can't let go of someone like that. She thought, looking into his eyes.

"We are soaked from head to toe. I guess we'll have to cut this meeting short. If we stay here, we'll freeze to death." She said, breaking the silence, to which he agreed. They got their shoes and left the beach, walking peacefully to Victor's Village. As they got to her doorstep, she turned around to look at him.

"Do I get any hugs today?" She laughed at his question. "You bet." Hugging him would have been pleasant if it wasn't for how cold and wet the two of them were.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight," she replied with a nod. After closing the door behind her, she discreetly went to her room, took a shower and changed her clothes.

The Life of A Victor || Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now