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It could be midnight, or even nearly dawn, Dove didn't know. The only thing that was lingering in her mind was Peeta's face. He had volunteered to go to the games with Katniss. He was willing to die for her, which left Dove in an unstable state. Her eyes were glued to the television as she watched the recap of the reaping repeatedly.

It didn't matter how much she tried to snap out of it, she always ended up seeing Alder instead of the poor district Twelve boy. Everything was confusing her, but not as much as she once was after her games. The only thing keeping her back to Earth was Finnick. The need to protect him. The absolute desperation to keep him alive was stronger than anything else.

Dove knew the look in Peeta's eyes when he volunteered. She had the same one when Finnick volunteered for Melo. Complete determination to die for the person they loved. "Still up?" Finnick asked, entering the room just before seeing what played on the television. "Dove, don't torture yourself like this," he pleaded.

"It's not exactly torturing. I'm getting ready for reality. He and Katniss have to die if I want to keep you alive." Dove replied, turning around to face him. Her face was serious. She didn't particularly enjoy saying such harsh words, but there was no other alternative if she wanted Finnick to go back home. Katniss and Peeta had to die.

"We could always be their allies. We can protect them, Dove," he commented, causing her to look at him, confused.

"And what will happen when it's them or us?" She asked, letting her tone show how lost she was. "We'll leave before that happens, and I can easily overpower both of them," he replied, letting his cocky behaviour show.

"I guess you're right. . . I don't know. I don't personally love the idea of being their ally, but I guess we can always take some time before deciding, right?" Dove questioned, pausing the tape as she got up from the couch.

"Right. And now, come to bed. It's strange to sleep alone." Finnick commented, a smile forming on his face as she mocked his command. In his assigned room, time flew by past them. One moment they were sleeping, and the other, Delia was waking them up to go meet their prep team for the tribute parade.

When the parade was mere minutes from starting, Finnick caught sight of Katniss entering the centre. He chuckled, and soon decided to walk to her chariot, which was decorated with white roses, simulating the wedding that would never happen.

Dove wasn't there yet, so she couldn't stop him from having some fun by teasing District Twelve's tribute. Confidently, he kept his walk to Katniss, who greeted him awkwardly once she realised his presence.

"Want a sugar cube?" He asked. A few sugar cubes were in his hand, two especially for Dove, who would appear at any moment. "They're supposed to be for the horses, but who cares? They've got years to eat sugar, whereas you and I. . . Well, if we see something sweet, we better grab it quick."

"No, thanks," Katniss replied, looking for another topic while trying to keep her uncomfortable expression under control. "I'd love to borrow your outfit sometime, though." She added, pointing at Finnick's outfit, or rather, lack of one.

He looked down at what his stylist had put him in. He was draped in a golden net, which was strategically knotted at his groin, so he couldn't technically be called naked, but also didn't let much room for imagination since it wasn't needed.

"You're absolutely terrifying me in that get-up. What happened to the pretty little-girl dresses?" He asked, his charm not getting through to Katniss, who continued with a deadpan expression as she replied.

"I outgrew them." She stated simply. Finnick took the collar of her outfit and ran it between his fingers. "It's too bad about this Quell thing. You could have made out like a bandit in the Capitol. Jewels, money, anything you wanted." He responded, a smirk on his face as he saw Katniss not falling for his Capitol behaviour.

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