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During the following days of training, Katniss seemed to spend more time with everybody, especially Dove. Although, Finnick always ended up tagging along with them, even giving Katniss an hour of trident lessons for an hour of archery for both Dove and himself.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were bad," Katniss commented as she saw Dove trying to shoot the targets. "You know what? I give up. I'm going to the trident station. And if that also fails. . . For the first time in years, I might drown my sorrows in food." Dove replied, walking hurriedly to the trident station as she left Finnick and Katniss behind in the middle of the archery session.

"Don't worry about her. She's really stressed right now. It's better to give her a bit of time to figure out her own thoughts. If you observe, you'll see her make up her mind while holding the trident." Finnick told Katniss, letting the hand that held the bow fall to his side.

"How do you know all that?" Katniss questioned, turning slightly to face him. "I'm a very attentive person," he answered.

Maybe it was the strict eating schedule, the absence of vomiting, or both. But for the first time in months, Dove could finally lift a trident. It was like the first time she did it. Heavy, but not hard to manage. Her precision while throwing was astonishing, even to her. However, the fighting with the trainer was quite basic, pretty different from Ron's reaching during the last months.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Finnick get out of the archery station. He would be a great partner in fighting with tridents. "Odair, over here! Wanna fight?" She called, raising the practice trident in the air as he chuckled. That day, the only thing that got them out of the trident station was dinner, thanks to Johanna, who reminded them of the time.

"So, who won?" asked Johanna while eating from her plate. "Neither." Both replied, getting a weird look from their friend.

"Finnick obviously contained himself, because he could easily knock me down in seconds. But I think I did fairly well." Dove commented, staring at her plate of food as if it was trying to harm her.

"What will you do during the private session?" Finnick asked Johanna, although the rest of the victors joined in, joking about the different things they could do. Sing, dance, strip, tell jokes, and more.

"I'm so tired that I think I'll just nap," Dove muttered, eating the last bit of bread Finnick had put on her tray. "Why am I not surprised?" Johanna replied, snickering at the way Dove narrowed her eyes in her direction.

"Do you want to rest? I'll wake you up when my name is called." Finnick assured her, shifting to his right as Dove wondered whether or not to take his offering.

"Better wake me up when Beetee's name is called." She said, resting her head on his shoulder as she closed her eyes. He kept his promise, and as soon as Beetee's name was called, he shook her softly to wake her up.

"Can't I just skip it? Who cares about my score, anyway? I'll die." Dove stated, catching Peeta's attention from Katniss to her.

"Stop saying that," Finnick muttered, stroking her arm as he side-hugged her. "You know I'm right," she replied.

Almost an hour later, Dove's name was called for the private session. Before getting up from her seat, she wished the other good luck in their own session. "You too. Good luck," Peeta replied.

For a second, Dove hadn't seen him, but Alder. I must be so stressed that I'm imagining things. She thought, closing her eyes tightly, before thanking Peeta for his encouragement and walking into the room.

The Life of A Victor || Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now