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"Yes, of course. Hard to forget. I've been waiting seven or eight years for you to finally tell me what you wanted." Dove replied. Surprise overtook her smile once she looked to her right, where Finnick was supposed to be standing. Instead, she saw him on one knee while showing her an open wooden box. A beautiful ring made of different wires rested on a small red cushion. "Oh my God, Finnick!"

"I would honestly love to use it right now. But that wouldn't be fair to you," he said, clearing his throat before continuing. "Dove Ogilvy, we've been together for a long time. We've been through so much. And, sincerely, the six weeks I was without you were the worst of all my life. I can't think of a future without you. I know you're the only one I want to share the rest of my life with. Would you marry me?" Finnick declared while Dove covered her mouth with her hands, not believing her eyes or ears whatsoever.

"Yes! Obviously yes!" Dove exclaimed, waiting for Finnick to get up to hug him. "I love you."

"I love you too," he whispered, taking her hand to put the ring on her finger. As he bent down to kiss her, the door to the Hummingbird room burst open, taking the couple from the sweet moment to acknowledge the person's presence. Melo, who had regained his old habits, entered the room with a worried expression. "Melo, what is it?"

"President Coin. She has proposed the idea of Dove singing to show she's on the rebel side. They want to have the Rebel's Songbird alongside the Mockingjay to inspire the rebels," Melo announced, walking to the beachside of the room where the couple was.

"She wants to send me to Two, then?" Dove questioned, alarmed.

"No, I think she's thinking of a more inside propo type of approach. Plutarch is still wanting to record a celebration, so he might create a small concert at 18:00—reflection," he explained, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"A concert, huh? That brings back memories," Dove chuckled bitterly, shaking her head to take those thoughts off her mind.

"He wants a celebration?" Finnick said, snickering slightly as he intertwined his hand with Dove. "I think we can give him one." He added, raising their hands to let Melo see the ring clearly.

"When did you—?" Melo trailed off, placing his head in his hands with an exasperated sigh. "I interrupted, didn't I? Fuck. Sorry."

"Hey, recognising your wrongdoings, it's a step to getting better. I'm glad you're finally realising it. And it only took you twenty-five years of your life!" Johanna exclaimed as she got closer to the group. "Don't ever walk off like that again, Dove. You know that if you're caught roaming around alone, they'll put you again under continued monitoring."

"I'm sorry, Johanna. I just needed some time to myself," Dove apologised, which Johanna only replied with a chuckle as she shook her head.

"Either way, we've got an interesting story from Ron. Want to hear it, boys?" Both nodded. Finnick let go of Dove's hand to wrap an arm around her waist, while Melo only stood next to Johanna, waiting expectantly for Ron's news.

"And that's what he said," Johanna finished explaining about Gale's misunderstanding, which they also found hilarious. "I've got bad news for the lovebirds, though. It's almost 22:30—lights out. So, I'll have to escort future Mrs Odair over here to our room."

"Oh, I wasn't thinking about changing my last name," Dove muttered, glancing at her fiancée.

"That's all right. I understand your last name is important to you. But, I have to say, Dove Ogilvy Odair has a nice ring to it," Finnick said, smiling at her while she chuckled at his suggestion.

The Life of A Victor || Finnick OdairOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora