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Around ten o'clock, in the distance, someone started screaming. A wedge of the jungle right across from them began to vibrate, and an enormous wave flowed down the hill, topping the trees.

The wave hit the seawater with such force that, even though the four were far, the water raised to their knees, setting their possessions afloat. They got them back before they were carried off, except for the jumpsuits, which were so eaten away no one cared if they lost them.

A cannon fired, and a hovercraft appeared over the arena where the wave had begun and pluck a body from the trees. "That's from Annie's games. . ." Dove whispered just as Katniss noticed three figures two spokes of land away. She said something, but Dove couldn't hear it. Her thoughts were clouded with Annie and the flooding.

Finnick had to lift her up to bring her along with them to the shadows of the jungle. "It's OK," he whispered, rubbing her back as they continued analysing the three figures. Once Dove seemed calmer, he let her feet touch the ground again, which he immediately regretted as she took a glance at the figures before running to them.

"Dove!" He exclaimed, running behind her without thinking of their allies, who looked at them confused.

"Johanna!" Dove screamed, hugging her friend as she got near. Her left arm stung at the sudden motion, but the relief of seeing her friend alive didn't let her care. "Dove! What happened to your arm?" Johanna yelled back.

"Nevermind that. What happened to you?" Dove questioned, seeing as her friend was covered in blood. Finnick reached them, Katniss and Peeta getting closer cautiously.

"The bloody jungle is what happened!" Johanna snapped, pointing at the jungle before continuing to jabber. "We thought it was raining, you know, because of the lighting, and we were all so thirsty. But when it started coming down, it turned out to be blood. Thick, hot blood. You couldn't see, you couldn't speak without getting a mouthful. We just staggered around, trying to get out of it. That's when Blight hit the force field."

"I'm sorry, Johanna," Dove and Finnick said, trying to console their friend. "Yeah, well, he wasn't much, but he was from home. And he left me alone with these two." Johanna replied, pointing at Wiress and Beetee, who Dove hadn't noticed before.

"He got a knife in the back at the Cornucopia. And her-" She continued to explain, halting abruptly mid-sentence as everyone stared at the pair. Wiress was circling around, coated in dried blood and murmuring repeatedly. "Tick, tock."

"Yeah, we know. Tick, tock. Nuts is in shock," Johanna explained, which seemed to get Wiress attention as she clung to Johanna, who shoved her harshly to the beach. "Just stay down, will you?"

"Lay off her," Katniss snapped, to which Johanna narrowed her eyes with hatred.

"Lay off her?" Johanna hissed, stepping forward to slap Katniss. "Who do you think got them out of that bleeding jungle for you? You-" Finnick tossed her body over his shoulder, carrying her into the water, where he dunked her every time she tried to yell any insulting words towards Katniss.

Johanna too. She's also part of the rebellion. Dove realised, watching as her friend kept trying to insult Katniss. "Johanna, calm down." She mumbled as she stood in front of Finnick and her friend.

"Can't do that!" Johanna replied, raising her arms in the air in an exasperated motion. "You don't know how it has been with those two! And now she appears and tells me to lay off her?"

"Johanna," Finnick muttered warningly, which had an incredible effect since Johanna bit her tongue mockingly, no longer insulting Katniss or complaining about anything.

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