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It had been a week, when Dove finally received the 'medication' for her unknown illness, which were only sugar pills. The doctor had advised her to start walking around, but to fake fatigue from time to time. The Capitol wanted to receive praise for their outstanding job in controlling an unknown illness and supposedly saving someone from partial disability.

This meant it was finally the day. Now she could go to the beach to meet Finnick, as she did before the Tour. She had begged her brother not to tell him about her deal yet, she wanted to do it herself.

Dove could have told him when he visited her, but she was scared to tell him too much while Snow could be eavesdropping. The beach was the safest option. Even though Snow obviously had cameras around, he didn't seem to know the content of their conversations. If not, he would have bragged about it to her.

Snow's thoughts were hard to comprehend. However, his character was a whole other thing. He liked to make others know he had the upper hand. He wanted everyone to know which secrets he possessed to make them suffer.

If he had said nothing about the riskiest topics they had discussed on the beach. Like the death of Finnick's family, or the obvious difference between what she had told Finnick about her adoption, and what her mum told the Capitol, it meant he didn't know.

Maybe it was because it was too dark to read their lips. Or the teens were too close to each other for the cameras to record or hear anything. Whatever the case could be, she had to use that information to her advantage.

She spent the rest of the day at her home, only leaving for the short walk her doctor had suggested her to do. Of course, she had to stop from time to time, faking to be tired. Some Victors spotted her during the walk and tried to help her out. Dove felt bad about accepting their help when she wasn't truly ill, but she couldn't raise suspicions by rejecting them.

Once midnight finally arrived, she took her boots and put on her coat, sneaking out of her home. At some point, she would tell her family about her midnight meetings, but now wasn't the best moment.

As she approached the beach, she started looking around for any sign of Finnick. He was nowhere to be found, not even in their special place. It was weird. He was always there before her.

She looked around one more time before taking off her boots, leaving them next to her coat on the sand. It had been a long time since she felt the sea under her feet. The breeze was pleasant after weeks of being trapped in her bed.

Suddenly, two arms grabbed her waist and pulled her up, making her lose contact with the water. The person went back some steps before letting her go gently on her feet.

"What the hell are you doing here!? You're still ill, Dove. Are you alright?" The person was no other than Finnick, who was completely losing his Capitol attitude with her.

"Hey, Finnick. I thought I wouldn't see you today." She answered. She could barely see his face. The lights around the beach were just as before, insufficient to illuminate anything. Finnick got her coat and laid it around her shoulders.

"Yeah, I haven't been here since the Tour. I had a sickly idiot to worry about. Only came here today because I saw that same idiot sneaking out of her house." His remark made her laugh. It was cute that he tried to joke, even though how worried he was.

"Ouch. Hey, I'm not an idiot. And about the sickly-" Dove tried to explain her situation, but it seemed Finnick was too interested in interrupting her.

"Says the idiot who, just after being permitted to walk, comes to the beach alone at midnight. And to top all that, no one knows you're here, and you went straight to the water without your coat. Do I have to tell on you for you to stay still? Because I will." He was no longer trying to joke around. Maybe he had given up on being taken seriously if he used it, or was too frustrated that he didn't have time to process his words. Or both.

The Life of A Victor || Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now