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The anthem played, but no faces were shown. The Capitol would be desiring to see blood, but the Gamemakers were far too interested in Beetee's plan to give in so soon. When Finnick and Katniss judged the time, revealing it was nine, the alliance left the camp and crossed to the twelve o'clock section.

The hike was different from the one that morning. Everyone was quiet, trying their best to keep walking with their full stomachs, which complicated the job. Dove was the only one to keep a decent pace, her only restraint being her lack of stamina. For once, her absence of appetite had been helpful.

Beetee asked Finnick to help him, while the rest stood guard. Beetee unfolded metres of the wire before doing anything. He asked Finnick to secure it tightly around a broken branch and let it on the ground. When that was done, they stood on either side of the tree, passing the pool back and forth to wrap the wire around it.

Just as the ten o'clock wave's sound made its presence, the work was done. By then, Beetee explained the remaining of the plan. Katniss, Dove, and Johanna had to take the coil down through the jungle, lay some across the beach, and then drop the metal spool with whatever was left of the wire into the water. After that, run straight into the jungle.

"I want to go with them as a guard," Peeta said immediately, not daring to leave Katniss out of his sight for even a second.

"You're too slow. Besides, I'll need you on this end. Katniss will guard." Beetee replied. Peeta was about to argue, saying Dove was just as slow as him, yet she went, but Beetee didn't let him as he announced they were in a hurry. "There's no time to debate this. I'm sorry. If the girls are to get out of there alive, they need to move now."

Dove, who was by Finnick's side during the explanation, turned to face him as Katniss said her goodbyes to Peeta. "Remember what I said about the necklace, OK? You have to give it back." Dove said, hugging him.

"I will," Finnick stated, taking her face in his hands to kiss her softly. "I love you," he muttered.

"I love you too," she whispered back. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Katniss and Johanna, ready to go and only waiting for their ally to join them. "I'll see you later. Take care, guys." Dove said before disappearing into the jungle. Johanna unwound the wire as Dove and Katniss guarded.

Halfway down the jungle, the sound of clicking from the eleven o'clock section appeared. They had to go faster. "Better hurry. I want to put a lot of distance between me and that water before the lightning hits. Just in case Volts miscalculated something." Johanna said.

Katniss volunteered to take the wire, which Johanna accepted, but as she passed the wire, a strange vibration made the three of them stop in their tracks. All of a sudden, the thin wire from above sprang back at them. There was no need to explain what was happening. Someone had cut the wire and would be there at any moment.

Katniss let go of the wire, just to be hit with it by Johanna mere seconds later. Dove stared, utterly shocked, at the scene. But as Johanna cut Katniss' arm, she realised what was happening, although not why. With the tracker out of Katniss' arm, Johanna glanced at Dove. There was no time to cut hers, too, as footsteps got nearer. "Stay down!" Johanna hissed to Katniss. "Dove, let's go."

They ran through the jungle, evading the two careers the best they could. At some point, Brutus was no longer behind them, and neither was Enobaria. They had lost them. "The guys!" Dove exclaimed, realising who the careers' next target would be. "Johanna, go first! I can't keep up. Go first and warn them!"

Johanna doubted at first, but gave in quickly as she realised the state in which Dove was. She would pass out before getting to the tree. "I will. You make sure to stay alive." She said before running to the rest.

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