3//house rules and the box

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A/N: Title suggestions??

"Hold on tight!" Dumbledore instructed. They were about to head to New York. Her things had been shrunken and pocketed into the jacket.

She had snuck out of Leaky Cauldron and into Muggle London and she had spent the entire night at a twenty-four-hour cyber cafe researching New York and Natasha Romanoff. She had to rely on her Year Six research skills from Elementary school and they definitely were not up to par. Most of the articles were on the same thing, the Chitauri attack, and the other few were on how private of a person Natasha was since she refused to share her past with anyone. After that, she was click-baited into videos on the ice-bucket challenge and conspiracy theories about Thor.

Hailey landed unsteadily in an alleyway beside the older man who seemed unfazed. That day, she realized that she would never ever apparate ever again. The time they might have saved over traveling this was not worth being squished through a rubber tube like that ever again and had they even saved any time? It was dark outside already.

The pair walked down the street to Natasha's house. Hailey looked around, trying to take everything in. She had never been this nervous before, not even on her first day at Hogwarts. It looked like a good neighborhood but not overly obsessed like Privet Drive where every house was identical to the next.

"There was something Petunia had given me that I think you would like," Dumbledore said to her as they walked along the dark street. Hailey looked up at him curiously as he handed her a small wooden box, approximately the size of a ring box.

"Don't open it now, it will return to its original size with the rest of your stuff," the headmaster instructed. 

"Thank you," Hailey said pocketing the small box, very curious about what could be in the box.

Dumbledore stopped in front of a house. Hailey couldn't help but note the front lawn needed to be mowed and weeds needed to be picked. Hailey mentally chastised herself, Aunt Petunia had instilled these little details into her that she couldn't overlook. At least the house looked a hundred times more welcoming than number 4 Privet Drive ever had.

The headmaster walked up the front steps and knocked on the door, Hailey hesitated but followed. She was excited but anxious at the same time- if that was even possible.

Finally, the door opened and she saw-Natasha? Well, it had to be Natasha but it was also exactly who she had seen in the pictures. Natasha was identical to her mother (obviously, they were twins). She had dark red hair- shoulder length and bright green eyes identical to both her and her mother's.

"Oh, I was expecting you tomorrow morning... but please come in," Natasha opened the door wider to invite both Dumbledore and Hailey in. 

Hailey was shell-shocked. She had forgotten how to move, that was her mother. Why couldn't that be her mother? Why couldn't all of this be just one big prank and her parents could be alive all along?

"It slipped my mind to calculate the time zones- we left Monday morning but it seems that it is still Sunday here," Dumbledore chuckled, "Well, it comes with age,"

"Hailey, come inside," Dumbledore said snapping her out of her trance. She walked inside trying her best not to stare at Natasha.

"I hope we are not of any inconvenience," he laughed good-heartedly.

"Oh no of course not, can I offer you anything?" Natasha asked. She spoke English effortlessly but with a hint of a Russian accent. Hailey concentrated on that to differentiate her mother from Natasha.

"Just water- apparition is tiring," he said. Natasha went to the kitchen to get water for both of them.

She placed the water on the table and sat down. Neither of the green-eyed individuals had acknowledged the other yet. She had a polite smile on but Hailey was beginning to wonder if Natasha was being forced to take care of her. She really wanted-no she needed Natasha to like her. Maybe, she could pretend she still had her mum with her and Natasha would be none-the-wiser.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora