10//the parcel

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"Natasha! A parcel came in for you," Hailey called from downstairs accepting a heavy black case from the delivery guy.

"Leave it on the kitchen counter! I'm busy!" Natasha called back. 

Hailey shrugged and left the parcel on the counter. The ice cream certainly wasn't going to eat itself if she stood around the parcel. But she had to admit, she was surprised at how laid back Natasha was slowly becoming. A lot had changed since the first day she had arrived. The house looked more lived in and less bare than it had before. The TV was slightly slanted so they had the perfect view from the corner of the couch or the stairs always had something in the way that Hailey was supposed to take upstairs but she didn't. 

It made her feel a different type of warmth. It was like the house actually belonged to her as well unlike at the Dursleys where she was told to keep herself and her stuff out of sight.

That reminded her of the Transfiguration textbook she had brought downstairs to read while simultaneously watching tv but hadn't actually even opened it. She put the ice cream away and forced herself upstairs to finish the remainder of her homework.


Hailey looked over all her essays making sure they were adequate before rolling them up and packing them away in her trunk. She was proud of the Astronomy charts that she had totally fabricated with minimal research from the internet since she had forgotten to monitor the stages of the moon from a month prior.

She was packing up her clothes and robes for Hogwarts when Natasha entered her room.

 "Hailey," Natasha said. Hailey could tell right away that her tone was a worried one. "I am going to have to go somewhere, it's urgent. I'm leaving tomorrow morning," she said.

"Is everything alright?" Hailey asked.

"Yes, something I need to take care of. Nothing for you to worry about," Natasha assured her.

"When will you be back?" Hailey asked.

"I don't know and that's why you're going to Clint's until I come back," Natasha replied.

"Natasha! I'm 13!" Hailey complained before she could even think about it.

"My point exactly," Natasha replied. "You're only 13,"

"Can't I go to Kate's...?"

"I trust a handful of people with your safety and another self-preservation-lacking teenager is not one of them. I've already talked to Clint, he'll come to pick you up early morning tomorrow,"

"Is it scientist work? Where are you going?" Hailey asked.

"Yes, something like that," she replied and hesitated before continuing. "Budapest,"

"Can I come along too?" Hailey asked.

"No," Natasha replied.

"But if its just scientist work-"

"I said no. Absolutely not. I'll leave a note if I am gone before you wake up. Make sure to look through the peephole-"

"And the CCTV and only open the door if you have made sure completely. Keep the door locked at all times, windows locked and call the police right away if anything suspicious happens," Hailey recited.

Natasha shook her head at the mocking but smiled before leaving.


Hailey had been awake for at least an hour- or ten minutes, she couldn't tell the time whilst she had to pretend to be sleeping. That was when she finally heard the footsteps. Natasha opened the door to her room and tiptoed inside.

You're asleep.

You're asleep.

Don't move.

She chanted as Natasha edged closer. Surprisingly, Natasha planted a light kiss on her forehead and tiptoed back out of the room. She opened her eyes a tiny bit as she watched Natasha leave. She had a feeling in her stomach that it was not an ordinary 'scientist trip'. She wanted to follow Natasha out but she knew better than that. Natasha would catch her in no time and then she would be in more trouble than she could handle. Hailey lay in bed for a few more minutes before getting up.

She got out of bed and headed downstairs for breakfast. On the kitchen counter was a pile of pancakes (still warm) and a bottle of maple syrup waiting for her. Along with the food was a note and a twenty-dollar bill.

Good Morning- I had to leave before you woke :/ but I made breakfast. If Clint doesn't pick you up before lunch, order something or you can make whatever you want (you're a better cook than I am). Take care, Nat.

After the delicious breakfast, she headed upstairs to finish whatever packing she needed to finish to go to Mr. Barton's place. She'd packed a week's worth of clothes and texted Kate as well After that, she was getting extremely bored so she began practicing a few advanced Defence against the Dark Arts spells from her third-year book. Finally, the bell rang. Mr. Barton had finally arrived.

She grabbed her duffle bag and went downstairs, forgetting her wand on her desk.

Hailey opened the door.

But Mr. Barton wasn't there. Instead, a woman in all-black clothing stood there with a gun pointed at her. Thanks to her years of seeking and the fencing classes she developed fast reflexes.

In a split second, she attempted to shut the door back but could not manage to close it properly. She rushed inside trying to get to a room so she could lock the door and call the police. But Hailey could hear the footsteps, she would not be able to outsmart them. She quickly unclasped her watch which she did not take off under any circumstances and threw it onto the sofa.

Hopefully, someone would notice it.

After that, she had no time to react as she was stabbed with a needle and she fell to the floor. Her eyes opened barely and she was just aware of her surroundings as she felt herself lose consciousness. She saw them cleaning up anything she had knocked over, taking her shoes, keys, phone, and duffle bag.

Her eyes opened again and she saw another woman clean the CCTV footage, if anyone came by, they would think she had left voluntarily. Damnit, she should have checked.

She tried getting up. If she could just reach her wand but her body wouldn't listen to her brain. She was paralyzed. She tried fighting it but to no avail. She didn't know what happened after that.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon