15//nowhere to go

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"She's weak. Kill her," he said it like it was the most natural, the simplest thing ever.

The woman was sobbing but she didn't complain or even try to stop the man or Hailey for that matter.

"He's going to kill you! Get up! Help me or he's going to kill you!" she prompted the woman. She paid no heed to Hailey's words but continued sobbing as silently as possible.

"You foolish girl. Kill her," he repeated.

"NO! I don't want to!" Hailey exclaimed turning to the man as she realized there was no point in talking to the woman. The man put his big hands on her and molded her hands properly around the gun. He forced her to hold the gun to the woman's face. The woman closed her eyes, freely sobbing. Hailey didn't want to do this, she could feel herself hyperventilating. She tried to free her fingers but the stronger ones held them in place.

He was breathing down her neck now and she felt absolutely revolted.

"1..." he said into her ear.


"NO!" she shrieked getting up and sweating profusely. It took Hailey several minutes to realize it was just a dream and she was back at home. 

Where she was safe with Natasha. 

And Dreykov was dead. 

She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

She couldn't calm down, she needed a hot shower to forget about everything.

Hailey opened her door as quietly as possible so as to not wake Natasha up. The walls in America were paper-thin (no offense to Americans). That's when she heard a man in Natasha's room. Hailey glanced at the clock, who was in Natasha's room at this hour?

As mentioned earlier, American walls were paper-thin and as Hailey approached Natasha's room, she realized, it sounded like Mr. Rogers and Natasha were arguing.

Hailey knew it was wrong to eavesdrop but her curiosity got the better of her.

So she promised herself she would only hear a little bit and then leave.

"So what now you're going to send her away? Back to your sister- see even you don't like being associated with her and you've barely met her!"

"Yes! Hailey can't stay. She needs to go," Natasha exclaimed. Hailey tried to keep the dejected look off her face. Surely Natasha meant it in a different context. Making conclusions after overhearing one part wasn't very sensible.

"Why would you send that poor kid back there when you yourself said that she wasn't happy there? You told me that so-" Natasha cut Mr. Rogers off.

"Steve, really? Is this entire red room fiasco not reason enough for you?" Natasha asked. She sounded incredibly irritated.


Hailey didn't hear the rest of the conversation.

She didn't need to.

Natasha didn't want her anymore. She ran down the stairs and out the door and kept walking down the street without a second thought. Despite it being summer, the night breeze was quite chilly and she was wearing nothing but a t-shirt.

Natasha didn't want her anymore. The Dursleys didn't want her- not that she wanted to live with them but still. Nobody wanted her. She had nowhere to go.

Hailey laughed bitterly as she walked alone along the empty street in the dark. 

She was thinking of New York as home. God, she was needy. Hailey was thirteen, she didn't need Natasha or anyone for that matter. Her parents had left her plenty of money to fend for herself and she had everything she needed.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Where stories live. Discover now