38//the picnic

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The next day at the compound was an absolute blast. Hailey had gone back to Hogwarts the previous night to thank Dumbledore and the others for their efforts and also to make sure that everyone was alright.

Other than a few minor injuries, everyone was completely fine. When she arrived, it was the next morning in London, and everyone who had helped out, stayed the night at Hogwarts. She thanked everyone individually when she got the chance. She wanted to thank Draco too but he was nowhere to be found. The Slytherin table was completely bare and she confirmed with Hermione that Draco had gone home right away.

"So, Hailey, are you coming to the Quidditch Cup?" Ron asked her as he munched on his waffle.

"Nah. I can't," Hailey replied. Even after their talk, Hailey wasn't daft enough to believe she'd get permission to go to the World Cup after all the stunts she pulled.

"I'm so sorry mate," Ron replied. 

"And it's not that big of a deal anyway. It happens every four years," he added. Hailey smiled, it was just like Ron to play down just about anything to make her feel better.

"How are things with the twins?" Hermione asked. "From what I saw, she was on our side?"

"Well yea. Both Pietro and Wanda are at the compound now but you're right about her powers. I'll definitely look into those books. She was also more exhausted than the rest of us, so something like a wand will definitely help," Hailey said.

"You're right. Wandless magic is exhausting to the core unless you're like Professor Dumbledore I guess but a channel will definitely help," Hermione said. "Did you talk to Dumbledore?"

"Not yet," Hailey replied. The thought had been in her head but she had decided to rest it until things got a little settled. Today was the perfect time.

The trio talked for a bit before everyone began to leave Hogwarts. Hailey headed to Dumbledore's office from where she could floo home and also maybe talk to him.

"Hailey, I am glad you were able to join us for breakfast today. How are things at home?" he asked. 

"It's amazing, truly, amazing," Hailey replied in all honesty.

"Well, that is always a joy to hear," he replied. "A lemon drop?"

Hailey politely refused the offer and sat down in the chair opposite the headmaster.

"I needed to talk to you about something," Hailey said. "There is this pair of twins, one of them is a witch and the other is a mutant. They're about a year or two older than me,"

"They were at the Battle if my memory doesn't fail me," he chuckled, "I did think they looked alike,"

"Well, they've never received any education on their powers. Wanda, she is a witch but she does not have a wand, and her powers are restricted to a certain category," Hailey struggled to come up with words to describe her powers 

"And Pietro is an unregistered Mutant," she added.

"I see. Her core will exhaust and die down in a few short years if there is no channel," Dumbledore said exactly what Hermione told her. Hermione was never wrong.

"Is there anything we could do for them?" Hailey asked.

"Well, yes of course," he replied. "I take it, they will remain in USA?"

"I guess so. They used to live in Sokovia and that's well...now...not there," Hailey said.

"That works out perfectly. Mr. Pietro is likely unregistered due to activating his X-gene after birth- which is often why Mutants remain unregistered. I can have him enrolled in Xavier's school for gifted individuals. Xavier is an old friend and I am certain, he will be happy to take in Mr. Pietro. The school will help him refine his abilities while being around more like him and he will gain education applicable in the muggle world as well," he explained.

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