14//that's what friends are for

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They landed at the Avengers' Tower first where Hailey was more than happy to shed her uncomfortable unitard and anything plagued with that horrible place, shower, and change into something more comfortable.

The sun had just risen and since everyone had been up all night, they were all extremely tired. All of her muscles were sore and hurting. Hailey didn't even want to have dinner, she dropped onto the bed in the spare room and was asleep right away.

She woke up late afternoon and when she left her room, she found everyone gathered by the large dining table. Her mood instantly lifted when she saw the large piles of pizza boxes on either side of the table. She hurried to the table and tiptoed to try to reach the pizza box but someone- Tony Stark snatched it away.

Hailey's eyes followed the pizza box in Mr. Stark's hands.

"Well, sorry kid. Last slice. Gone," he smirked and bit into the pepperoni pizza.

"Hey! Tony! Stop it," Mr. Rogers scolded. 

"Here," he said sliding a box toward Hailey. Her smile instantly returned and she sat on the too-long stool and dug into the cheese pizza (no vegetables!). Light chatter continued on the table but Hailey immersed herself in the food. She surprised even herself when she finished the whole medium pizza.

Now that she was well-rested and well-fed, she had many many different questions she needed answers to. Now was a perfect time because out of the five Avengers present, one of them was bound to give her something. Natasha most definitely wouldn't.

"So...Is anyone going to tell me what's going on?" she asked finally. The entire table turned silent and gave their attention to her.

"We took down the Red Room. Impressive job on your part...anyways as I was saying," Mr. Stark quickly diverted the topic but once again Mr. Rogers stopped him. Hailey could sense a tension between them.

"She has a right to know, we talked about this," Mr. Rogers told Mr. Stark.

"She doesn't need to know anything," Natasha finally spoke. 

"See, Nat's got the final say," Mr. Stark said putting his hands up. "Now let's stop creating a big deal out of this..."

"But she probably has a lot of questions," Mr. Banner intervened.

Hailey looked at Mr. Barton who just shook his head in disappointment. They continued arguing until Natasha spoke again.

"She's thirteen! She doesn't need to know anything!" Natasha said banging the table.

"Can we stop talking about her as if she's not in the room!?" Hailey exclaimed finally, turning all their attention back to her once more. They looked like they had forgotten she was in the room, to begin with.

"If nobody wants to give me the answers, I'll find them myself but I will not be kept in the dark!" Hailey said firmly. She hoped she was intimidating enough to the Avengers that they would tell her because she had no idea how she was going to find the answers.

They exchanged looks, silently communicating but Hailey deciphered nothing.

"I came to pick you up that day only to see that you were nowhere to be found. I checked for any signs of struggle or break-in and found none. Your shoes, backpack, jacket, keys, and everything was gone. The door was locked from the outside, it looked like you had left on your own. I called Natasha right away and informed her of the situation. She had just landed in Budapest so she came back with Yelena right away-" Mr. Barton looked at Natasha to continue the story but she didn't.

"When they arrived, she saw the watch on the couch and instantly realized something was wrong. We called Kate Bishop who had no idea where you were and even went to your friend Peter Parker. With CCTV footage erased and no other clues, we gathered. Steve, Dr. Banner, Tony, Natasha, Yelena, and myself-" Natasha interrupted Mr. Barton.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ